Asa Kazuma from the Sasuke Trials sporting a new saying on his back.. this time.. it looks like it's permanent marker! LMAO
That said.. it was 2:30 am my time in the East Coast USA.. gah.. after a long day (having fun mind you :) ) it was a looooong night. Then of course followed the obligatory "omg" moments as we chatted for an hour more about what we saw.. I stayed up until about 4:30 am where I promptly crashed until 10 am when I got up to get ready for Sasuke Maniac.. ALSO today.. After lunch.. I promptly crashed again for some sleep (to get rid of a raging headache) and now.. finally working on the blog.
Comedians doing their introductions for Sasuke 21
I went insane.. I took 857 screenshots.. yes.. I went insane.. took me forever to even pick out which pictures I wanted.. so I'll do my best to not use them ALL .. LMAO.... Ehem.. They start off with a lot of quick pictures.. of what is going to be on the show. They show 3-4 quick wipe outs from Sasuke 21 (they look like Muscle Musical people).
Moeyan comedy team with Wacky (well we know 2 girls will be competing)
Quick video of everyone and their mother in line to be registered into Sasuke 21. Then they start with the introductions of famous people scheduled to appear complete with funny interviews and quick "Sasuke.. whatever they are saying.. look for me" shots for the camera.

Takahashi Mitsuomi - he's Satoru Akashi or Bouken Red from Super Sentai (or Power Rangers to me :p )
I'm getting excited seeing faces I've seen all summer and of course from previous Sasuke Tournaments.. then I go.. huh? Who's this? That's what I get for not knowing the comedy teams, etc. from Japan. Ube does well in figuring out who these people are!
Guy in the middle (Hiroshi Yamamoto) is apparently the only one competing today. This is the comedy team called Robert
Fluff piece of the comedy team Robert (shown above) doing their work.
Hiroshi Yamamoto, of the comedy team Robert (γγγΌγ) and also from from Imaoka Boxing Gym
They do a fluff piece on Hiroshi Yamamoto then followed by Dante. They show his Soft Bank commercial followed by a Sportsman #1 clip.
Dante, a boxer from Imaoka Boxing Gym and former Geinojin Sportsman No. 1 show competitor
Dante, a boxer from Imaoka Boxing Gym doing a Softbank commercial
Dante, a boxer from Imaoka Boxing Gym competing in Geinojin Sportsman #1 on March, 2007
Then he is interviewed in a park somewhere then they follow him to an indoor rock wall thing where they interview him .. his eyes light up.. he says something in Japanese.. then looks over and asked in English.. "ONLY 2 PEOPLE? .. ever??" "You didn't tell me that??" then has a nervous smile and kinda dances in place says something in Japanese then says what he said in English.. uhg.. "no pressure".. LOL non one told him Akiyama and Nagano are the only 2 people in 11 years to beat this course! LMAO This is priceless!
Actors Masaki Nomura and Kenjiro Ishimaru
Comedian Passion Yara
Next they have a couple fluff pieces for the next 2 people Sato Hiromichi and Wakky. They show their previous Sasuke failures.

Sato Hiromichi - Celebrity TV host, former Muscle Musical performer

Wakky - Comedian and current Sportsman #1 Winner
Time for commercials! They do a quick teaser commercial.. I see something that urks me...

Levi "Hits" Meeuwenberg showboating during Sasuke 21....
I'll make this short and simple. You do not showboat during the timed course on your turn in Sasuke unless you are known to do this i.e. Comedian, etc. that is EXPECTED to do this.. otherwise it looks bad.. WORSE off it you are not Japanese. Call me old fashioned but it is in poor taste. You are a guest Levi. You didn't do this in Sasuke 20 and they adored you for your humble personality. We see a different Levi here from the clips I've seen (more on that later).. I'm not sure if that's who he really is or not.. time will tell. Again.. to keep it short.. I don't like the attitude that young athletes have today. This includes multi-Gold Medalist Usain Bolt. To give you an idea of how much I detest this.. I turned off the Olympics the SECOND I saw him showboat BEFORE THE FINISHLINE at the FRIGGIN' OLYMPICS GAMES.. okay.. off my pedestal.. and apparently back in the dark ages.. I swear.. I'm getting old.. I'm all for having an awesome time.. Would in a heartbeat see Levi do freerunning outside of Sasuke. I consider myself a goofball but there is a time and place for everything. People used to be naturally humble and kept their antics in the privacy of their own home or in a party with friends.. not International Television.
Tomohiro Matsunaga - Japan's Silver Medalist in men's wrestling at the Beijing Olympics
Henry Cejudo - United States's Gold Medalist in men's wrestling at the Beijing Olympics arriving at the airport for Sasuke 21
Gold Medal for the Beijing Olympic Games - Henry's pride and joy
Olympic Men's Freestyle 55kg (121 lbs) Podium - (L-R) Silver medalist MATSUNAGA Tomohiro (JAPAN), Gold Medalist CEJUDO Henry (USA) and Bronze Medalist KUDUKHOV Besik (RUS)
Henry Cejudo - United States's Gold Medalist in men's wrestling at the Beijing Olympics is stoked to be in Japan for Sasuke 21
Both Henry and Tomohiro are interviewed and they show clips of their journey in the Olympic Games. Henry is excited to be there and is going to attack Ninja Warrior like he did the Olympics.. take it very serious and hopefully come out on top! Sweetie.. it's Sasuke :D

Tomohiro Matsunaga - Japan's Silver Medalist in men's wrestling at the Beijing Olympics

Olympians Henry Cejudo and Tomohiro Matsunaga
Meanwhile we enter the Daisuke Miyazaki and handball friends zone.. The next few minutes are on them.. specifically Daisuke though. They spend a lot of time rehashing what we saw before.. including his runs through Sasuke 20, recent visits to Muscle Park and his Sportsman #1 wins.
Daisuke Miyazaki sporting quite the shiner in his interview before Sasuke 21

Daisuke Miyazaki monopolizing the newspapers before the Olympic Games (Japan did not qualify in Team Handball)

Fangirls having kittens (and Fanboys too!) During his trip to Muscle Park, etc. back in August.
Commercials again! Back to clips from Sasuke 21 to wet our appetite! NAGANO SITING! :D
Henry Cejudo - United States's Gold Medalist in men's wrestling at the Beijing Olympics
Makoto Nagano getting ready for his run in Sasuke 21
Meanwhile.. back to Daisuke Miyazaki love from TBS.. they show him in Sasuke Park in Muscle Park where he pwns the Salmon ladder.. only to get pwned by...

Daisuke Miyazaki cannot stay on the Shin-Cliffhanger.. he tries.. and tries.. but to no avail
Team Handball.. ready to pwn the course!
The next segment is brought to you by Muscle Musical! Come see us! We rock! They do a bunch of clips of the show and do a couple interviews with clips of their exploits in both Muscle Musical and previous Sasuke tournaments.

Muscle Musical guys representin'

Reading Ube's blog to find out that this is Eiji Satoda

Ube's blog tells me this is Tomoyo Haga

Takayuki Kawashima! They show his attempt at the Final Stage during SASUKE 1 in 1997. He was also in Sasuke 20.

Tatsumi from Muscle Musical

Naoki Iketani during Muscle Musical - Ube tells me he was in Sasuke 13 times

Daisuke Nakata performing in Muscle Musical - Ube tells me he was in Sasuke 8 times

Daisuke Nakata painful performance in Sasuke after his near fatal motorcycle accident (stupid hit and run.. messed up his wrists)

Daisuke Nakata being interviewed for Sasuke 21

Muscle Musical guys practicing for Sasuke in the Muscle Musical theater parking lot

Muscle Musical guys walking up in dramatic fashion for their shot at Sasuke 21
Ah.. we are now at my favorite part of the show.. Passes popcorn around.. we enter All-Star zone :) Mmmmmmmmm.... Eyecandy.... BTW folks.. I recognize the music they put for this.. it's the Soundtrack of the OVA movie of R.O.D. (Read or Die) Anime that I ADORE!!!!!!!!!!! finds the soundtrack so I can listen to it today :)
Everyone's Fishing Captain Bada$$ of the Millenium, Makoto Nagano
Toshihiro Takeda, our favorite firefighter will put out the flames..
Speaking of Showboat.. wait.. I promised.. can it Rican.. Okay.. Mr. Rampaging Maniac Sasuke Katsumi Yamada.. :) There.. that better?
Recently hot for some reason, our favorite Gas Station Manager (wait.. I think he's like friggin District or Regional Manater.. ) Shingo Yamamoto
I had 857 screenshots and I swear 500 of them was of this man.. hmm he cut his hair.. too bad it's friggin' crunchy and burnt! Still hot.. I"m sorry.. still hot.. Looks A LOT better than Sasuke 20.. don't you think? Hope he's over what he had in February..
I can feel Pam's board freaking out since we have a few die-hard Takeda fans :) Here's one of him smiling ya'll :) Toshihiro Takeda talking about .. oh I don't know.. I"m taking pictures!
Shingo Yamamoto: "I can wear a Wifebeater™ and make it look good! LOOK at me.. I'm HOT now!"
From there they cut to fluffpiece with footage we've seen a million times of Nagano fishing and his famous Sasuke performance.. 17 and then they cut to a quick Fluff piece of Takeda again using footage they used before from his firefighting, shows his "postah" on the walls (that awesome firefighting campaign poster) and Sasuke events.
Okay folks.. I've been waiting friggin' almost 2 MONTHS for this.. Takeda and Nagano taking a stroll down the beach.. wtf.. they are so close now they wear each other's shirts? Since when does Takeda wear Nagano's black Wifebeater™???
Gah.. they teased me with a couple clips of Makoto Nagano and Toshihiro Takeda at the Beach sports Miyazaki Prefecture Competition on July 26, 2008.. (Preview of the event here and blog pictures of the event here) dangit.. oh well.. but.. they show me loooooooooooong fluff pieces on Takeda and Nagano.. I'm official in bliss :) Running out of popcorn.. must tear into Chocolate Chip Graham crackers.. I ran out of Jelly Beans too.. it's friggin 3 am folks.. I'm hungry!
Toshihiro's captain saying something about "Final stage".. making him crack up during an otherwise serious ceremony.. LOL this is funny!
YES!!!!!!!!! They are showing it! Crap.. need chips.. I need CHIPS! Okay.. so Nagano and Takeda didn't actually compete until the end.. they sat in a booth laughing at other people's failures and posing with fans.. not a bad gig if you ask me..
Nagano now has a white wifebeater™ while Takeda forgoes a shirt..
Nagano decides he no longer needs a shirt because it's friggin 90+ degrees out there.. and he's in the BEACH.. who wears black shorts to beach.. /sigh.. I"m digressing.. Anywho he's posing with some lucky chick.
Aww Nagano first pats this kid on the head then waves and smile to the little baby.
Apparently someone didn't want Takeda with a shirt.. so they gave him one LMAO
We now switch gears and see what they have been doing since Sasuke 20.. They show clips from Maguro Festival (Part 1 and Part 2). Some event I've never seen.. but reminds me of this one that Nagano did the year before in October.. and BUG in MIKI.
Event that Nagano did.. was it this year? or last year?
This seems familiar..
This seems VERY familiar.. (4th row down in Nagano's site)
Nagano apparently won the cutting wood competition.. Nice smile :)
WHOOT! Makoto Nagano and Toshihiro Takeda at the Beach sports Miyazaki Prefecture Competition on July 26, 2008.. (Preview of the event here and blog pictures of the event here)
Takeda and Nagano sitting under a tent in the beach laughing at competitors get pwned! ALL IN THE NAME OF BEER!
Nagano: "Yes.. because I look hawt.. " Dang he's burned LOL
Yet another opportunity to laugh at people getting pwned.. Takeda and Nagano are probably getitng paid for this.. what a life LOL
Hmm.. could these guys be qualifiers for Sasuke 21? I'm sure we will find out on Wednesday!
Nagano laughing at someone who just fell off the "Pole Maze" (this one was the Rope Maze thing from Viking though.. not the Pole Maze from 19-20)
Nagano has to show how it's done.. and he has to do it in style... shirt off.. just to piss them off :p Btw.. check out the can of Sasuke Spray.. and Yamada is NOWHERE IN SIGHT!
Nagano pwns the Shin-Cliffhanger Akiyama style (No shirt)
Takeda and Nagano burnt crispy after a day at the beach
/sigh.. what.. oh yeah I'm blogging.. sorry.. ehem.. YAY GOT BEACH PICS!!!!!! Okay.. now we got a fluff piece on Nagano.. what is a girl to do? STARE OF COURSE!!!!! What.. you nuts or something?? Pulls up a chair for those coming in late..

Rare view of the Konpira Maru (Nagano's boat) leaving the docks.. this is a recent video!

Nagano at work on his boat. Aww.. he brought down the windshield so they can see his face in that tiny boat. Hmm.. he has a black shirt again.. /sigh

Okay.. how small is this boat? Dude's standing and he's almost hitting the top of the cabin ceiling.. Now I am REALLY nervous him taking this boat out in friggin middle of the ocean.. Hmm.. he must have changed.. White shirt time.. this one seems new.. HE DID HIS LAUNDRY!

Nagano running along the .. beach road? Is that sand? Dunno but the view is gorgeous! I love the beach and this town is cute! I think this is Kagoshima, Japan

Cue up Rocky Music.. Nagano going up some observation tower

Nagano: Dude I'm tired.. I just ran up the steps.. it's hot.. I'm wearing a towel around my neck to keep cool..

Nagano: Fine.. you want me to show off.. okay.. I don't do this normally but I'll do it for you..

Nagano laughing at the reporter's reminder of his utter failure in Sasuke 20.. Yep.. still embarrased!
Still in Allstar mode.. we now turn our attention to Toshihiro Takeda.. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up in the friggin' mountains of Ibi District in Gifu, Japan.. is that a damn? or some huge bridge? Whatever it is .. it's cool lookin'g.. dude we are like waaaaaaaay up in the mountains..

I feel a need.. a need.. to yodle...

Panning around from the dam.. you see the building that Toshihiro Takeda works in. Hello Firestation!

Omg.. Ube.. Stupid Ube.. now I am seeing Takeda surfing porn...

Interview with the FireFighter from Gifu

Wow at least the firetrucks are red.. but they are waaaaaaay smaller then I'm used to!

Takeda has a rope climb in the hanger of the Firestation

Takeda: "Boy I'm tired LOL and slightly embarrassed"

Takeda: Okay.. you want me to.. okay I'll climb the roof..

Takeda: "My boss is going to kill me if I rip the top of this thing again.. "

Takeda: Poised and ready to pwn Sasuke 21
NEXT. okay we are doing Shingo and.. Mr. Sasuke.. why? Okay okay :) I'm good :) They do this because of the Muscle Park appearances they did together in August.

Yamada giving riding lessons again.. while Yamamoto.. uhm.. cheers them on.. perverts..

Back to commercial! Watch Miyazaki!
Okay back from Commercial! They go back to the propositioning in Odaiba.. (check the end of this blog to see wtf I'm talking about)

Yamada and Yamamoto heading to talk to Game designers and strutting their stuff in jeans

Incoming fluff piece! We are in Tokyo to see Shingo Yamamoto work at his gas station

Back in March, 1999 Shingo failed at the Final Stage.. awwww

Back in a junk yard.. we find Mr. Sasuke.. sorta.. wtf is he doing?
Okay.. I admit.. I cut the fluffpiece of Yamada.. but it's really short.. they only really used the Muscle park appearance and showed him Crying.. again.. then they cut to this.

Awww.. Shingo Yamamoto is going to climb Mount Fuji today!

Yamamoto: "Well it seemed like a good idea at the time? but I'm here.. and there are witnesses.. so dangit.. I have to go through this LOL"

Yamamoto: Rocking the shades while he wonders why he's here.. I mean.. his travel agent lied..

Yamamoto: "I made it! THE PROMISED LAND!" (LOL he giggles and makes noises like he's out of breath and seriously thrilled it's over)
Yamamoto: "I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Yamamoto: "Crap.. how do I get down???"
Yay! Bunpei Shiratori is here! Oh how we missed him in Sasuke 20! Incoming Fluff piece :)

Bunpei Shiratori makes his return to Sasuke 21!

Shiratori really looks happy to be here! Humble and quiet as always :)

Bunpei training hard to recover from a serious back injury

Another smile before we go :)
The American Contingent is here! We start off with Levi "Hits" Meeuwenberg arriving in Japan.. did he arrive separately? Or they just doing that for effect since Japan knows who he is?
Levi: "Hey Japan! I'm back"
Levi: "Do this dance.. Sasuke.." Levi.. sweetie... you've been here before.. why are you still calling is SA-SU-KE? /bangsheadonwall....
Meanwhile.. the "other" Americans show up :) Luci Romberg, Brian Orosco and Mark Witmer!
Luci Romberg: Women can do this too! I hope!
Mark Witmer just very happy to be part of the experience :) I like Mark!
Brian Orosco back for a second shot! This time he's more focused! Go get'em Brian!
Awkward Sasuke 21 moment.. they file out of the bus.. but.. you can't see poor Luci! Oh this was not coordinated very well LOL
Lee Yen Chi! Or Lee Enchi! Crap.. which one is it? He's the one that has those bada$$ photos from Sasuke 18!!
Hmm apparently he had a great presentation video that caught TBS' attention!
More of that video presentation
Sasuke 17 where he passed the first stage!
He's really happy to be back (last time was Sasuke 18)
Credits roll! Shingo Yamamoto is ready for his turn! Wow.. the sun is still up..
Yay Shingo!
Mmmmm.. Nagano.. last shot of the show thanks for watching see on on Wednesday! God I'm so tired..
Was that seriously Levi that did the flip heading into the Jumping Spider?
I love Nomura and Ishimaru. I admire them alot.
Don't like Passion Yara for some reason. Don't know why.
I was thinking maybe g4 put him up to being so stupid and arrogant? It would be just like them.
I thought that was a black eye Mr. Wonderful Handball guy was wearing. :)
It looked like they spliced that shot of him doing they salmon ladder. Or maybe that was just my "skippy" computer?
That was some Muscle Musical "posse" wasn't it. Man! Wouldn't you just love to see that show? I would. Looked way more interesting than any old Cirque du Soliel show or the like.
Love, love, LOVE Daisuke Nakata! I'm so happy he came back! And that shot where they are all walking up together... looks sort of like a little "West Side Story" going on, don't it?
MN-hair looks trimmed. At least in this picture.
TT-nope, not putting flames out... fanning them.
YK-he looks like he's posing like in those old black and white Superman shows. The post Superman does just before he takes off into the sky.
YS-"Regional Manater.." ??? Manater? Maneater? I resemble that remark... oh nevermind... lack of sleep. I'm sure you understand. :)
Who would have thought he could pull off a white wifebeater like that? He looks scrumptious! And yes.. I like my meat well-done. :)
Boats are usually small and cramped, my dear, they try to save space however/where ever they can. That's why I don't like them. But for him... I could learn... oh yes... I could learn.
Awwww... I wanna go! This looks just like I imagined it, Elsie!!! I'm so having an OMG moment here. You know what I mean?
Takeda did look a tad sheepish didn't he? Maybe he was...
They wear them well tho, don't they? Even Mr. Sticky Spray.
He can fill me up anytime. Sorry... just a thought. You can delete my comment for that if you want. :)
Oh Goodie!!! Beautiful Bunpei! How wonderful.
I was thinking that too, Elsie, when he pronounced it incorrectly.
That Brian dude looks just like the dude from that old 60's group America. The one with glasses obviously.
I don't think the girl has much of a chance. I hope I'm wrong, but... I'm just sayin'.
Great blog my dear. Thank you very much!
That flip was unprofessional - especially when he was a guest at the competition. Don't like the smugness right now. Thought he pronounced it wrong but it was late and let it slide.
Aahahahahah Holly :) Great reactions :D I do that too when reading a looooooooooooooong blog.. GOod lord and it's cut.. you saw the actual show so you know how much I had to cut and just refer to other blogs.
Yes. definately fanning flames but I'm too tired to fix it! LOL Well done please.. though yeah his hair does look cut.. hoping it grows out and he chops off the color.. still .. he is hot.. :D
Miyazaki.. Nah it wasn't spliced. I've seen this video a few times.. they started up a bit higher than last time. I'm ecstatic for Nakata to be back :) I enjoy watching him smile. He always seem so giddy all the time!
Agreed Tricia on the other thing. Going to see waht TBS shows.. I'm sure we will get more fodder in the G4 broadcast. Curious what they will actually broadcast though.
Glad you guys enjoyed the blog :) I loved the preview and it was nice to see so much of their lives away from the show. I knew that boat was small but it looks microscopic when I think of where they go fish.. oy. I keep thinking deadliest catch.. maybe he can captain that BIG boat? I'd be happier :p
omg.. manater.. MANAGER!!!!!!!!!! God I'm way too fried.. it's there for posterity LOL
I think Levi is gifted. I really do. But there is something about that man... can't put my finger on it...
As much as I hate the ANC stuff I am hoping Luci rocks it (although I've honestly never even paid attention to who the ANC winners were until now).
Lastly, the All Stars look GOOD.
I did not see the episode yet.. But yes Levi is a humble guy. he plays at being tough. I am sure he looks at stage one as a big play ground. He is not competitive by nature, just like to play, so he might not understand how he might be perceived. Not a show off by any stretch just young....
Yeah agreed. It's definately the generation.. and when I say that .. I feel ooooooooooooooooold.. LMAO
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