Land-Ho! My very first view of Japan! ©Arsenette
A few days ago I put together a YouTube video of my trip to Japan. It occurred to me that I didn't post it on Rambling Rican! Grrr.. brain has been fried since I've been working hard on the AnimeNext Presentation this weekend! For those who are interested, I'll be covering the history of Sasuke from it's inception in Sasuke 1 all the way to present using the lens of the foreign viewer. The anime convention is at the Garden State Exhibit Center on June 12-14, 2015 in Somerset, New Jersey. For those who remember from last year, I have the same panel room as before which is Panel 2 (Hillsborough) across a walkway from the convention center in the DoubleTree Hotel at Somerset. My panel is 1 1/2 hours this year (half hour more than last year) and will start around 8 PM on Saturday! So while I'm working on fixing my presentation from last year (with updated information and better format...), here is the link to Part 1 of my Trip to Japan on YouTube that all of you made possible! I don't care if I sound like a broken record, but THANK YOU so much for your support! I could not have gone to Japan without you! Btw don't forget that I'm co-hosting a podcast every month! Episode 2 is out and I go over some of my trip to Japan (No spoilers I promise!).
Youtube Link to Part 1
In Part 1, I show a slideshow of my photos (primarily on the airplane) from my flight on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 (arrived the following day Wednesday, May 20, 2015 in Japan). For those interested in the minutiae, hubby and I flew from Philadelphia to Chicago on US Airways, then changed planes to an American Airlines flight from Chicago to Narita Airport in Japan. Thanks to Sasuke 27 competitor Dr. Timothy Coombs for his generous contribution of Frequent Flyer miles! I hope to have video updates every week or so, filling in the time until the tournament airs in Japan that as of now only has July, 2015 as a placeholder without a definitive date announced. I'll keep you posted when I hear anything!
In the same vine as Tricia thanking Inui publicly for making Arsenette's trip happen, I'd like to publicly thank Timothy Coombs. Without his generosity, the trip would have never happened. I still remember my exhilaration when she told me of his offer. It really made me believe that dreams can come true and that good people exist. And so I tell people this tale as an inspiration to pursue goals that may seem out of reach.
I'd also like to let everyone who contributed that Arsenette is one of the most frugal people I know. In her daily life, to save money on going out, her and Don usually invite friends over and make snacks. On this trip, she was not extravagant at all. The fancy hotel was booked on a 72-hours flash sale at a rate comparable to a business hotel. She didn't eat much her entire stay. Transportation was costly. She budgeted perfectly.
While we are at it I can thank you! You saved us a lot of time, money and headaches helping us around town, translating for us and even transporting us places in the little free time you had! I was sooooo overwhelmed when I landed in Japan and you helped keep me on track!
That was actually much more entertaining than I expected. Also Dr Timothy Coombs Rocks
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