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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

So excited for Sasuke 27

With less than a week to go Ube's doing a great job in confirming who is a part of this event. For a list of confirmed participants go to Lost in Ube's blog. Given how late it took for TBS and/or Monster 9 to actually update their pages with the air-date of an event that happened almost 3 months ago.. I haven't had a chance to create my So excited page like I normally do. Chiyo-chan is going to have to wait to do her dance for another time. In the meantime air-date information for both Navi and Sasuke 27 tournament can always be found on that page.


Sasuke 27 (NAVI) (via TBS Daily schedule)
SASUKE2011秋ナビ (Fall Navi)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
16:00 JST - 16:54 (4 PM local time in Japan)
Station: TBS (Japan)

3 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (SUNDAY Morning)
12 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (SUNDAY Morning or midnight from Saturday night)

Additional Time conversion



Sasuke 27 (Fall/Autumn) (via Sasuke Mania Announcement)
Monday, October 3, 2011
19:00 JST - 22:48 (7 PM local time in Japan)
Station: TBS (Japan)

6 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (MONDAY Morning)
3 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (MONDAY Morning)

Additional time conversion


SASUKE 第27回大会【SASUKE2011 秋】の放送日が決定いたしました。

19時00分~22時48分 TBS系列

Oh.. P.S. Don't ask me for more time conversions.. or technical questions as to where and how you can see it.. Check SMF.. ya'll can research for that yourself :p

P.S. I've decided with Sasuke 27 coming around the corner so quickly I don't want to burn myself out doing another blog.. so for those waiting for a blog update for the Sumo Special.. it won't be incoming. Yamada didn't pass stage one but did manage to get Sasuke to trend on twitter .. so hopefully that brought back viewers for Monday's broadcast. Only time will tell. Lord knows TBS has done absolutely nothing to promote Sasuke.. even Monster 9 hasn't even updated their own official website with the EXISTENCE of the tournament..

Edit: Added a fantastic article on Sasuke 27 by the Japan Times. According to the Article G4 won't air Ninja Warrior (sans Americans btw) until March, 2012.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Katsumi Yamada does SUMO!

Needless to say I got the shock of my life this afternoon when I went to do my normal Sasuke news related searches since we are 2 weeks from the Sasuke 27 official TBS airing in Japan... I kept coming up with people joking about how Yamada was going to get his ass handed to him next week in sumo.. but they didn't have any details.. then with more research I kept seeing this celebrity sumo tourney that had a few people I recognized.. including Yamada.. Even full blogs dedicated to it in great detail.

Celebrity qualifying for the Sumo tournament!

I recognized a few faces. Right off the bat from the left I recognize Bobby Ologun ボビー・オロゴン, next to him is Sasuke All-Star Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己 (Mr. Sasuke). Skip 2 people more and you see Toshiaki Kasuga 春日 俊彰 from the Comedy duo Audrey オードリー then on the far right is Dante ダンテ from Sasuke 21.

Sunday, September 25 at 19:00 JST!
19:00 - 20:54 (just under 2 hours)

For those who are planning to watch this it's next weekend. That's 7 pm local time in Japan so that's 6 am Sunday morning in the East coast and 3 am for those living in the West Coast . I'll see how the tourney goes before I figure out what I will blog about it :p According to the picture.. the main event is the big bracket on the left that you see and the little one on the right is the celebrity portion where Yamada and the rest of the celebs are to try to get into the main draw.

Full bracket - Yamada is on the bottom left of the picture 2nd from the right.

There were several articles written about this. This one went into extreme detail about the tournament filled with all the matchups and names. I was a bit surprised honestly since I never even knew this existed. Seems they had another one before where Kinnikun participated in but lost in his first match in qualifying.

Yamada on the far left getting ready for his match

On one of the TBS pages it also mentions that the announcer for this is none other than Veteran announcer Keisuke Hatsuta 初田 啓介 whom we know from Sasuke and also Sportsman #1. Nico news pretty much said the same thing plus reiterated the lineup. I'm sure in the next week I'll see more news on it.. mostly stuff repeated so I'll just wait until next week to see the matches.

Bobby in the red getting ready to face Dante

What I'm hoping for is for TBS to finally start running Sasuke 27 commercials. It's painful watching show horrible a job they are doing in promoting this show.. I mean seriously.. this sumo show there were dozens of articles but Sasuke.. nothing... /sigh.. I hope they have the presence of mind to air a commercial during this.. I mean seriously it would be a week away at that point.

Anyway.. for those who are curious how this is going to go.. I found a Youtube video of the earlier one that happened this year.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sasuke 27 Official Airdate

Edit 9/13/11 - Ryo Matachi found the official TBS page that was hidden on the website.
Edit 9/24/11 - TBS updated their daily schedule with Sasuke Navi date and time.
Edit 9/27/11 - Ever a day late and a dollar short.. Sasuke mania finally updates page with Sasuke Navi information and synopsis of theme for this year's Sasuke.

First stage of Sasuke 27 ©Screencap from ANW3

(Edit 9/24/11 - Added Navi schedule)

Sasuke 27 (NAVI) (via TBS Daily schedule)
SASUKE2011秋ナビ (Fall Navi)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
16:00 JST - 16:54 (4 PM local time in Japan)
Station: TBS (Japan)

3 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (SUNDAY Morning)
12 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (SUNDAY Morning or midnight from Saturday night)

Additional Time conversion

For those who are unfamiliar with "Navi" it is a 1 hour preview special (examples are here (Sasuke 26 Navi) going back all the way to Sasuke 21 Navi on my blog). It's filled with competitor fluff pieces and even obstacle course construction or revelations. They usually throw in a few spoilers towards the end and of course run whatever current commercial for Sasuke during the broadcast.


I haven't professed my love for Lost in Ube lately have I? LOL Anyway ever since the taping back in July it's been hell trying to wait for Monster 9 to finally announce Sasuke 27. As you remember last month I was given a date of October 3rd as a possible airdate.. now I can say it's official! Ube was able to find the airdate for Sasuke 27 on the Sasuke Mania website.

Sasuke 27 (Fall/Autumn) (via Sasuke Mania Announcement)
Monday, October 3, 2011
19:00 JST - 22:48 (7 PM local time in Japan)
Station: TBS (Japan)

6 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (MONDAY Morning)
3 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (MONDAY Morning)

Additional time conversion


SASUKE 第27回大会【SASUKE2011 秋】の放送日が決定いたしました。

19時00分~22時48分 TBS系列



Edit 9/13/11 - Ryo Matachi (Cliffer #2) 又地諒 found the official TBS page for Sasuke 27 that was hidden on the website.

◇高橋賢次(運送業) 第24回大会ファイナリスト
◇内藤大助(プロボクサー) 元WBC世界フライ級チャンピオン
◇モハメド・パリド・イシャム(フリーランナー) マレーシア予選1位通過
◇山田勝己(鉄工所アルバイト) ミスターSASUKE
◇池谷直樹(マッスルミュージカル) モンスターボックス世界記録保持者
◇奥山義行(スポーツインストラクター) 91世界陸上200m日本代表、第24回大会ファイナリスト
◇リー・エンチ(プロロッククライマー) 台湾代表
◇デイヴィッド・キャンベル(アーティスト) アメリカ予選1位通過
◇漆原裕治(靴の営業マン) 史上3人目の完全制覇者
◇長野誠(「第28金比羅丸」船長) 史上最強の漁師、史上2人目の完全制覇者

Basic translation of the above is the list of the main challengers of the course.
Kenji Takahashi 高橋賢次 (Kongo Express) (Finalist from Sasuke 24)
Daisuke Naito 内藤大助 (boxer) Former WBC Flyweight Champion
◇Farid 'Cat' Isham モハメド・パリド・イシャム (freerunner) Sasuke Malaysia Winner
Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己 (Ironworks) Mr. SASUKE (Sasuke All-Star)
Naoki Iketani 池谷直樹 (Muscle Musical マッスルミュージカル) Monster Box co-record holder
Yoshiyuki Okuyama 奥山義行 (Sports instructor) Japan National team in the 1991 World Championship 200 meters (Finalist from Sasuke 24)
Lee En Chi リー・エンチ (Professional Rock Climber) Taiwan's representative (Finalist from Sasuke 24)
David Campbell デイヴィッド・キャンベル (Artist) #1 American Qualifier
Yuuji Urushihara 漆原裕治 - (Shoe salesman) (UNCLI #3) - (Sasuke 24 Kanzenseiha - 3rd ever champion)
Makoto Nagano 長野誠 (Captain of the 28th Konpiramaru) Most comprehensive fisherman Sasuke 17 Kanzenseiha - 2nd ever champion - Sasuke All-Star

As I was mentioning the last time I'm still upset that Monster 9 chose to delay the official broadcast of the full tournament on TBS to accommodate the American broadcast of only 10 competitors out of 100... Hopefully since NBC's broadcast was in last place in network and 8th in the night overall including cable.. this nonsense won't continue into future tournaments.. if there are more future tournaments... Anyway.. enough of that negativity.. I'm happy that the broadcast is back to almost 4 hours. The Sasuke 26 broadcast that was segmented and only just over 2 hours was painful to watch since it was horribly cut and badly edited. Maybe with it returning to a size of broadcast we have become accustomed to it will be better edited.

SASUKE2011 秋 放送時間のお知らせ!!

  10月2日(日) 16:00~16:54 (TBSローカル)

  10月3日(月) 19:00~22:48 (TBS系列)


Announcement Regarding the fall SASUKE2011! !
Please come see!

★ "tomorrow night at 7:00 SASUKE"
(This is actually the preview for Sasuke the day before Sasuke 27 airs)
October 2 (Sun) 16:00 ~ 16:54 (TBS-local)

★ "Autumn SASUKE2011"
Full-ever fourth victory of the resurrection hope and inspire the Japanese miracle! ! !
Makoto Nagano, a fisherman or the strongest? Sanctification? Or America?
October 3 (Mon) 19:00 ~ 22:48 (series TBS)

FINALLY.. Sasuke 27.. the way it was supposed to be watched! Look forward to it!

Oh.. P.S. Don't ask me for more time conversions.. and where you can see it.. Check SMF.. ya'll can research for that yourself :p