With less than a week to go Ube's doing a great job in confirming who is a part of this event. For a list of confirmed participants go to Lost in Ube's blog. Given how late it took for TBS and/or Monster 9 to actually update their pages with the air-date of an event that happened almost 3 months ago.. I haven't had a chance to create my So excited page like I normally do. Chiyo-chan is going to have to wait to do her dance for another time. In the meantime air-date information for both Navi and Sasuke 27 tournament can always be found on that page.
3 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (SUNDAY Morning)
12 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (SUNDAY Morning or midnight from Saturday night)
Additional Time conversion
6 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (MONDAY Morning)
3 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (MONDAY Morning)
Additional time conversion
SASUKE 第27回大会【SASUKE2011 秋】の放送日が決定いたしました。
19時00分~22時48分 TBS系列
Sasuke 27 (NAVI) (via TBS Daily schedule)
SASUKE2011秋ナビ (Fall Navi)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
16:00 JST - 16:54 (4 PM local time in Japan)
Station: TBS (Japan)SASUKE2011秋ナビ (Fall Navi)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
16:00 JST - 16:54 (4 PM local time in Japan)
3 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (SUNDAY Morning)
12 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (SUNDAY Morning or midnight from Saturday night)
Additional Time conversion
Sasuke 27 (Fall/Autumn) (via Sasuke Mania Announcement)
Monday, October 3, 2011
19:00 JST - 22:48 (7 PM local time in Japan)
Station: TBS (Japan)Monday, October 3, 2011
19:00 JST - 22:48 (7 PM local time in Japan)
6 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (MONDAY Morning)
3 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (MONDAY Morning)
Additional time conversion
SASUKE 第27回大会【SASUKE2011 秋】の放送日が決定いたしました。
19時00分~22時48分 TBS系列

Oh.. P.S. Don't ask me for more time conversions.. or technical questions as to where and how you can see it.. Check SMF.. ya'll can research for that yourself :p
P.S. I've decided with Sasuke 27 coming around the corner so quickly I don't want to burn myself out doing another blog.. so for those waiting for a blog update for the Sumo Special.. it won't be incoming. Yamada didn't pass stage one but did manage to get Sasuke to trend on twitter .. so hopefully that brought back viewers for Monday's broadcast. Only time will tell. Lord knows TBS has done absolutely nothing to promote Sasuke.. even Monster 9 hasn't even updated their own official website with the EXISTENCE of the tournament..
Edit: Added a fantastic article on Sasuke 27 by the Japan Times. According to the Article G4 won't air Ninja Warrior (sans Americans btw) until March, 2012.
Edit: Added a fantastic article on Sasuke 27 by the Japan Times. According to the Article G4 won't air Ninja Warrior (sans Americans btw) until March, 2012.