Updated February 25, 2010 - Monster 9 information about duration of the show.
Updated March 8, 2010 - TBS page added with information about the show!
Updated March 15, 2010 - Monster 9 added on their Sasukemania website the date and time of Navi.
March 20, 2010 - Added end time for Sasuke 25.

I haven't professed my love for Ube lately since the guy has been taking a long break from Sasuke (which only turned out to be a few weeks.. LOL) but I have plenty to profess after his latest find! He did come back and have great (albeit unexpected) news. The news itself is that we finally have an airdate for Sasuke 25 on TBS. Right on the Sasuke Mania the official announcement of Sasuke 25 airdate was found (albeit hidden).
3 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (Sunday Morning)
12 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (Sunday Morning/Saturday night midnight)
Sasuke Navi (Sasuke 25 Preview Show)
(via Sasuke Mania Announcement)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
16:00-16:54 JST
Station: TBS (Japan)(via Sasuke Mania Announcement)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
16:00-16:54 JST
3 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (Sunday Morning)
12 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (Sunday Morning/Saturday night midnight)
Sasuke 25 (via Sasuke Mania Announcement)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
19:00 JST - 22:48 (via TBS Online TV Guide)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
19:00 JST - 22:48 (via TBS Online TV Guide)
Station: TBS (Japan)
6 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (Sunday Morning)
3 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (Sunday Morning)
*** Due to Daylight Saving Time beginning please double check the converted time in your area. United States changes time on March 14, 2010 while European countries change on March 28, 2010.
Update - Monster 9 added information:
On their announcement for February 25 - They mention that Sasuke will have 47 competitors representing the 47 prefectures of Japan. Also all continents will be represented (we all presume they don't mean Antarctica). They also updated their Sasuke Page within the Monster 9 site.
Japan, the contestants were chosen from around the world challenge SASUKE.
4 Heated Battle starts now complete the challenge for global domination!
2010 年春にSASUKEに何かが起こる!!
Something happens in the spring of 2010 to SASUKE!
March 2010 - Sunday 28 19:00
※ TBS broadcast in the series
6 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (Sunday Morning)
3 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (Sunday Morning)
*** Due to Daylight Saving Time beginning please double check the converted time in your area. United States changes time on March 14, 2010 while European countries change on March 28, 2010.
Update - Monster 9 added information:
On their announcement for February 25 - They mention that Sasuke will have 47 competitors representing the 47 prefectures of Japan. Also all continents will be represented (we all presume they don't mean Antarctica). They also updated their Sasuke Page within the Monster 9 site.
Japan, the contestants were chosen from around the world challenge SASUKE.
4 Heated Battle starts now complete the challenge for global domination!
2010 年春にSASUKEに何かが起こる!!
Something happens in the spring of 2010 to SASUKE!
March 2010 - Sunday 28 19:00
※ TBS broadcast in the series
The strange news is that it's a whole month AFTER the taping date. We know the taping is this Saturday, February 20, 2010 so it's a bit odd that the airdate is that far ahead. I didn't see the announcement but Ube managed to find the page on his side. Another note is that there is no end time or date for Navi (still plenty of time until that is announced). Maybe they are securing the date and time but are waiting for duration after they figure out the results of the competition on Saturday. It's a guess of course.
Updates on possible competitors as they are added from various sources can always be found on my So excited for Sasuke 25 Blog.
Updated March 8, 2010 - TBS finally put their official Sasuke 25 page and I updated the "So excited" blog with the names provided. BIGGER news.. the numbers (saddlecloths are being chosen VIA LOTTERY!!)
Updated March 15, 2010 - Monster 9 FINALLY put their date and time for Sasuke Navi. For those of us who adore the behind the scenes, this is the show we were waiting for. I am a bit disappointed that Yuuji did not get the Nagano treatment and they did not air a Kansenseiha Special like they did with Nagano back in Sasuke 18... I am disappointed they didn't elevate him as a champion and have his own special. Either way.. Navi is still the same duration as it always is - just under an hour. I suspect they will shove something in there about him and cut off UNCLI like they usually do and make it look like he was never part of their group or something. Either way I know more people are interested in seeing the course.. I suspect they will post something at the end with a few huge spoilers in the beginning and end of show.
Updates on possible competitors as they are added from various sources can always be found on my So excited for Sasuke 25 Blog.
Updated March 8, 2010 - TBS finally put their official Sasuke 25 page and I updated the "So excited" blog with the names provided. BIGGER news.. the numbers (saddlecloths are being chosen VIA LOTTERY!!)
Updated March 15, 2010 - Monster 9 FINALLY put their date and time for Sasuke Navi. For those of us who adore the behind the scenes, this is the show we were waiting for. I am a bit disappointed that Yuuji did not get the Nagano treatment and they did not air a Kansenseiha Special like they did with Nagano back in Sasuke 18... I am disappointed they didn't elevate him as a champion and have his own special. Either way.. Navi is still the same duration as it always is - just under an hour. I suspect they will shove something in there about him and cut off UNCLI like they usually do and make it look like he was never part of their group or something. Either way I know more people are interested in seeing the course.. I suspect they will post something at the end with a few huge spoilers in the beginning and end of show.