Now that Sasuke 26 and American Ninja Warrior 2 has aired on G4 I can finally blog about David Campbell! I was very fortunate to get David to let me blog about him again. As you might remember he did an interview for Sasuke 22 - Here is his Sasuke 22 Blog :) Just like I did with Michael Milner (from Sasuke 20), Lucy Romberg (Sasuke 21) and Bret Sims (Sasuke 19 and 20) I'm going to be doing a blog entry on David! I'm posting this here and on both the Sasuke Maniac Forums and G4 boards, and on Twitter. For this blog just use the comments section at the end of this entry. I'll only keep the questions open for a short time. I figured since everyone will be checking the site for Sasuke/Ninja Warrior stuff I might get a lot of responses really fast.
Guidelines - please don't get too personal. I also have the right to not include all the questions and he also reserves the right to not answer all the questions :P Also - please keep this thread to questions only. Once the blog is done I'll create another thread with the answers and of course the blog entry. Also. PLEASE KEEP QUESTIONS TO SASUKE 26. Please do not ask about American Ninja Warrior 3 as it has not aired on G4.
Feel free to state your name, age (optional), City (or state, country, etc.) and your question and I'll send them over to David to answer. Thanks again David!