Last year we found out about cool events that the All-Stars get invited. One of them was in July in Miyazaki City in the south Island of the main Japan Island Chain. Same prefecture that Makoto Nagano was born. Both Toshihiro Takeda and Makoto Nagano were there as guests while they watched and even participated in beach sports. In the end they ran a Sasuke mock course for fun and got burnt in the process because of the hot sun along the beach. We finally saw blog pictures of it and I was scared we wouldn't see it at all. MRT was the host and they had 5 hours of live coverage of the event through their TBS affiliate only showing in that area. So for us streaming from Tokyo.. we couldn't see the event. They finally did show clips in the Sasuke 21 Sasuke Navi show.
Takeda and Nagano talking to the press.. My GOD.. Nagano is BURNED.. look at the shoulders! ©Mu-YUKIMI's blog
Thanks to adorable Ube - he found some information and posted it on one of the postboards I go to - Sasuke Maniacs. He found an article stating the show's intent of not only coming back again for this year, but of actually qualifying the top spot to be an automatic bid to Sasuke 23 (which was just announced btw). So I went back to my old blogs and check the links and found that MRT already has a page for the event ready.. and to my surprise.. KAZUHIKO AKIYAMA is invited!! I'm sooooooo excited! Now.. I really want to go.. /cries.. He NEVER gets invited to these things.. okay okay.. he does for Maguro Festival but that's because Nagano is in charge there.. and I'm sure he's invited again because it's a Nagano local event. I don't care.. I'm so happy he's going! Granted.. he's going to spontaneously combust in the sun.. he needs to pack some serious sunscreen.. he's going to be toasty..
2 lucky bastards from last year posing with Toshihiro Takeda and Makoto Nagano ©MRT
Okay going to start with the article first and dissect what is in there:
Copyright 2009 THE MAINICHI NEWSPAPERS. All rights reserved
(Incoming Bablefish Disaster)
Infiltration! No. Detective studio: Beach Sports Miyazaki No. 1 Championship 1 / Miyazaki
◇ I目指SE young SASUKE - 25 next month, a tree leaf in Miyazaki SANBICHI
This time he's been bought for the event.
We should, I think young people should try it.
MRT "Miyazaki Beach Sports Championship No 1." I think I may SASUKE Miyazaki version. Moreover, it is. 2 is the second year of a special project. MRT to explain the growth of the branch's Takuya Management Division.
"The winner of the men of the TBS television show, you can play SASUKE"
More -.
"SASUKE and Makoto Nagano was born in Nobeoka, guests were greeted by Mr. SASUKE Takeda Toshihiro ORUSUTAZU of some exemplary performance."
Call it now.
July 25 event, a leafy tree SANBICHI Miyazaki. Eligibility is more than a high school student living in the prefecture. 200 men, 50 women have been seeking. Textures of the tournament, on August 8 will broadcast from 2 pm (a time frame).
All five athletes in sports. Arm wrestling qualifying BICHIFURAGGUSU ▽ ▽ ▽ Kayaking four swimming events. Top performer (10 men, four women), challenge the final event of the jungle gym beach.
Tell a little beach of the jungle gym. The length is about 35 meters. And low clouds, pipe slider, and the rope, while a small set, and intellectual powers that require physical strength.
Applicants must mail or fax. (I cut out the rest)
Okay! First thing is first.. If ya'll want to run over and try this event.. er.. don't bother - it's for people who live in the Miyazaki Prefecture only. Which is nice. It's a local event (in Miyazaki City) that did well last year and Monster 9 is going to give them one spot for Sasuke 23. I find it funny that since Nagano is the local guy HE is considered Mr. Sasuke :p Thought you might find that of interest. Same as last year they are taking 250 people (first come first serve). 200 Men and 50 women to take on the 5 part course. In the end the top 10 men and top 4 women who survive will take on the Sasuke course they have. They also beefed it up from last year it seems.
Takeda doing the cliffhanger from last year's event ©Mu-YUKIMI's blog
Okay now for the main MRT event website.
(Incoming Bablefish Disaster..)
So here are the events for this year again. They look almost identical to last year's event.
5勝CHI抜KE a gateway, a number of beach sports win the crown of somebody!
We look forward to playing with confidence in your strength.
Special Guests
* 長野誠 Nagano Makoto - TBS TV "SASUKE" The complete domination of the tournament 17 times. From Nobeoka. "The 28th round金毘羅" captain.
* 竹田敏浩 Takeda Toshihiro - TBS TV "SASUKE" SASUKE ORUSUTAZU members. ORUSUTAZU in at number one with a sense of stability. Born in Gifu Prefecture. Firefighters.
* 秋山和彦 Akiyama Kazuhiko TBS TV "SASUKE" SASUKE complete domination of the tournament four times. SASUKE who complete the first conquest. ORUSUTAZU a member. From Hokkaido. Institute director逢和treatment.
250 persons (200 males 50 female names) ※ bon appétit it is a first-come basis. We ended up in capacity.
① person living in Miyazaki Prefecture. ② high school than healthy people.
Department of man: the first three runners-up winning the women's division: first runner-up winning third place
Male winner TBS television sector "SASUKE2009 fall" to earn a spot!
Entry form, fill in the required information, please apply by mail or FAX.
They compete in terms勝CHI抜KI five sports at the gateway.
200 → 80 Female Male 50 → 30 names name (They seem to be whittling down top 80 from the 200 just on beach flags and 30 women from 50)The first hurdle: BEACH FLAGS (FURAGGUSU Beach) GARI slept in the dark state of depression, 15m scramble for the speed contest in the first flag - The second hurdle: ARM WRESTLING (arm wrestling) 40 Male 80 Female 30 → 15 Guest (er.. whittling down from 80 to 40 just on this for males and down to 15 for women from 30) As its name implies, the arm wrestling.
- The third barrier: SEA KAYAK (sea kayak) 40 → 20 male and 15 female names name → 8 Rowing in a kayak paddle and compete with the power balance back to the sea and sport.
- Semifinals: SWIM BATTLE (Battle Swim) 20 → 10 men and eight women name name → 4
- Finals: BEACH JUNNGLEGYM (jungle gym Beach) 10 women, four men try to name
Familiar with TBS TV "SASUKE" appeared at the gym!
The残RERU far only 14 men and women together.
Now in closing . This event was off a pier off some place called Sunbeach. Ube was so kind as to find links and locations and stuff like that. The event was a part of Phoenix Seagaia Resort (gorgeous looking resort btw.. nice website) presents "Pirates' Adventure Beach". Nagano did Viking.. with the norse gods.. why not go after the Pirates? AAAAAAAAARGH.. Okay.. another link to this Pirate's Adventure Beach page... wtf is up with the technicolor burgers??
Also they don't list any prizes this year. Last year they announced FREE BEER and money :P
Anyway if I get additional information.. yeah yeah.. you know by now :) I'll do my best to post it.
Note that the air date for this event is actually on August 8th. Still unsure if it's going to be MRT only? or part of Sasuke Navi in TBS.. Still time for that though.