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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Muscle Musical returns to Las Vegas, Nevada

Muscle Musical - Las Vegas 2009 announcement ©Monster 9

I noticed a couple days ago that Monster 9 updated their page with Muscle Musical stuff. Sure enough I went to their website and saw a posting of new information about their show coming back to Las Vegas, Nevada here in the United States. I checked and the specific page and sure enough they had it (both English and Japanese - which is very nice - there is a tab on the top right of the pages you can toggle - except the listing of performers but that is understandable). I emailed Monster 9 to see if they had any dates yet but didn't post it but I just got an email today:

We are sorry, but the start day of the show is not decided yet.
Any details of the dates and sales will be decided by the hotel.
Would you ask to the imperialpalace if you want to know the details.

As of this date the actual precise dates are not confirmed though it is slated to be July, 2009 (late) and going throughout the summer. Seems like they will be splitting the normal cast(and even a few of the MM participants in Sasuke) since there will be summer show back in Japan during the same time. This means perennial Sasuke participant Naoki Iketani will not be going to Las Vegas this year. Please check the list of participants (it's split between male and female and as of yet there are no photos) in the latter pages of the website. No word yet if Daisuke Nakata will be in Muscle Musical (Japan or USA). I might later do an analysis of the names so you know who is actually coming. Even so it's a great way of getting to see the show for those who can't go to Japan.

If I get an actual time line I'll post it here. In the meantime feel free to go to either the Muscle Musical Las Vegas website or the actual place itself - The Imperial Palace in Las Vegas.

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