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這個請願是要求Monster 9 公開發行銷售無區域限制的Sasuke Competitions DVD 給一般消費大眾購買
이 청원은 Monster9 에게 SASUKE 대회를 코드 프리 DVD로 시장에 판매해달라는 요청 입니다
Esta petición es para solicitar a Monster 9 el lanzamiento para venta un DVD multi-región de el programa SASUKE que se harán disponibles para la compra para el público en general.
Cette pétition est de demander à Monster 9 à la mise en vente d'une région exempte DVD de tous les SASUKE Concours pour être disponible à la vente au grand public.
Diese Bitte soll vom Ungeheuer 9 die Ausgabe zum Verkauf eine DVD ohne Gebiet aller Sasuke Konkurrenzen bitten, für den Kauf zur breiten Öffentlichkeit bereitgestellt zu werden.
Tämän anomuksen tarkoitus on pyytää Monster 9:ää julkaisemaan myyntiä varten alue-vapaan DVD:n Sasuke kilpailuista niin että sen voisivat ostaa normaaliväestö.
Petisi ini ditujukan kepada Monster 9 agar meluncurkan DVD keseluruhan Kompetisi Sasuke yang bebas regional sehingga dapat diperjualbelikan secara umum.
Thanks to everyone especially on the Sasuke Maniacs' site for help with the translations. I didn't get a chance to get them all but the limitations on the Petition website prevented me from adding them all. Hopefully by adding them all here it will help. Please spread the word any way you can. Thanks again!
At least we'd finally get to see Sasuke as it was meant to be seen, with theme songs and all.
I vote for it I wanted this too for AGES I've only seen SASUKE 2-20 and I especially want to see SASUKE 1, 21 and 22 :D
I signed. Let's hope this works.
I hope it works too!
Wish more people would sign it. Let's see how this goes.
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