2010 Sportsman No. 1 Monster Box Special
(PART ONE) (PART TWO) (PART THREE) (PART FOUR)For a preview of what Monster Box is please refer to my blog on the
2010 Sportsman No. 1 Navi (a half hour show). For brevity's sake I will not post what I already did there. I also want to make clear that the entire show will not be posted here. I am only concentrating on Monster Box and any specials tied to previous Sportsman #1 events. Thanks everyone for being patient while I do this.. was sick with a stupid cold.. grrr...
17 boxes - 2 meters 46 centimeters (approx. 8 feet)
Blast from the past again..
Koji Akiyama 秋山 幸二 - Baseball player
Gon.. again...
And.. wtf..
He's already laughing.. not sure what hit though.. his butt or . .his back?
His little brother doesn't care.. he's too busy laughing..
His butt hit first then his back it seems scrapped the end of the Monster Box
Ah.. okay.. at 17 boxes you get a 2nd chance. So his 1st chance is blown.
LOL Takeda's had like 4 different theme songs today.. LOL
Again.. sucking air..
Plenty of height and space!
He's so proud of himself :)
And now the shock sets in.. LOL
Dude are you serious? I did that? Again??
Kawaii.... he's really shocked!
Dude.. your hands are covered in CHALK.. that's not so smart.. LOL
Could you BELIEVE that??
Toda is beside himself right now (cough.. it's so nice (and rare) to see men with their wedding rings..)
Orakio Matsuyuki 松雪オラキオ is doing a loud ovation!
Shingo and Nagano looking on.
Shingo already seeing that he's doing well
LOL Looks like Nagano was Really REALLY surprised! ROFL his buddy didn't think he could make it! ROFL!!!
Celebration really begins as they are beside themselves with .. surprise.. ahahahah
Nagano looking for his seat and Shingo's still partying
Wakky and company seem to be really happy! Actually the crowd (or competitors since there is no audience) are all clapping at Takeda right now. Wakky is screaming Sugoi a couple times ("Cool" or "Amazing")
Geez... Naoki actually gave Takeda a thumbs up??
Awwww.. kawaii.. he's all embarrassed and happy at the same time
.. and apparently still in disbelief! LOL
It's so evident the look of shock in his face...
and now bashful pride!
Oh.. that was a little closer than I thought the first time.. but he didn't touch anything so he's good.
17 boxes cleared and he did it on his first attempt!
Not sure what's he's saying but it's short
(take a drink.. everyone's wearing Descente gear.. )
And he clears!
Orakio Matsuyuki 松雪オラキオ from
Dangan Jockey 弾丸ジャッキー hmm.. he was a former Gymnast!
And HE emphatically clears!
Golf clap.. (thinking right now his brother is going to make his life a living nightmare if non-athletes like Takeda beat him in this show..)
Not sure what he's talking about.. maybe angle?
Kazuya Matsunaga 松永一哉 - Actor
And he clears!
Okie dokie.. Naoki now gets up and supports his stupid brother.. or he'll never hear the end of it.. They break out the chart to show the 4 people who are attempting their 2nd jump at 17 boxes
and he makes it
LMFAO.. insane clapping.. seems his family dinner is not ruined after all!
Awwwww someone failed the 2nd jump.. badly..
Kimitake Satou 佐藤公威 - basketball guy also is out
Baseball player Takehiro Ishikawa 石川雄洋
Doh.. he is done as well.. (apparently he touched twice with his hands)
Baseball player Takehiro Ishikawa 石川雄洋 is not happy..
The list for 18 boxes is now much shorter - 13 guys still in contention!
Okie dokie.. 18 boxes is 2 meters 56 centimeters (approx. 8.4 feet)
.. Gon .. again..
Whoops.. looks like he failed 18..
Kane walks over to make sure Gon's okay
BAP.. right on the schnozz..
Little brother can't help himself and laugh again at his brother's misfortune
Going on Fast forwards now.. not a good sign.. this is
Wakky ワッキー
Ack.. he took a header as well..
He's laughing it off though
LOL Takeda looks concerned even before Wakky jumps..
Feels it internally...
Uhhhhgh.. almost no height.. he hit the springboard at the bottom
Just kicks off the thing backwards.. and you hear him giggle in girly voice.. lol
Takeda and his bling are at a loss as to how one box made such a difference.. Dude.. it's only 1 more box.. wtf..
Okie dokie.. how well is he going to do.. injured..
Totally not a problem!
Finally.. he smiled today!
Whoah.. wait.. did he make it?
He seems.. relieved?
Phew.. just his shirt hit.. but that was a liiiiiiiiitle too close for comfort! He clears though!
HOLY crap he's high...
LMFAO.. I smell a hotdog competition between Muscle Musical colleagues.. dude's gonna get fired if he shows up Naoki though.. LOL!!!
LOL Kitagawa making fun of Oyama's landing pose
Hirokazu Oyama 大山大和 clears 18 boxes.. in style! Heck.. with that height.. wow.. he's unreal.. guess it helps when you do this every day for money :p
Naoki coaching his brother Yukio for his 2nd try.. again..
"You see that there? Don't hit your face on it"
Apparently this is not new for Naoki.. giving advice.. we seem to go back in time again as we see Naoki with yet another hair color and haircut.. teaching Gon how to conquer the 18 boxes.
18 Boxes.. Part Deux!
There goes that.. oh nevermind.. if you don't know who this is.. you haven't been reading...
There's a surprise.. Gon passed 18 boxes.
And the shadow of Kane Kosugi is about the only thing TBS is showing of the guy who has the 22 box record.. LOL
Yukio and his schnozz..
Well he didn't smash his face in this time.. this time he came down in the middle of the box.
Wakky, Orakio and Takeda looking on
And the reaction to the fail
Crap.. there goes Thanksgiving Dinner..
And he's still resting on the top of the box
Wakky ワッキー pumping himself up for his 2nd try at 18 boxes
Aww.. another buttplant..
And his day is over as well
take a drink.. Descente in multicolor!
Wakky ワッキー completes the day with 17 boxes cleared
Man TBS loves cracking out the charts! Either way.. Takeda had 7 successful jumps in a row. Missed his last one and is on his final attempt at 18 boxes.
Again.. taking deep breaths.. (Btw I'm cracking up because I recognize this theme song.. it's from the movie
The eyebrow waxing is still cracking me up.. sorry.. had to say it.. it's too perfect.. LMFAO oh oh.. he didn't like that comment...
Ignoring me he bows again to the crowd for the thunderous applause (well from the last guys still in this thing.. LOL)
Will he make it.. which cuisine will reign supreme? crap wrong show...
Oh oh.. looking reaaally nervous as he looks over to his friends...
And off he goes...
Okay placement.. better than last time...
Gaaaaaah came down too early.. on his butt..
And he kicks off just as Nagano did in the exact position
Awwwwww his day is over as well and you can see the disappointment
Wakky not happy.. (cough don't read lips.. cough) j/k :)
Hey he did great today! He shouldn't be too disappointed! He doesn't train for this stuff!
Shingo agrees with me and he is the first to start the round of applause
Nagano still needs consoling though
Didn't get quite enough height so he ran out of room really fast
and landed right on the toshi.. er.. tush..
Toshihiro Takeda 竹田敏浩 ending a fabulous debut to Sportsman #1 with 17 boxes cleared as he receives his certificate of completion
I do hope he gets invited again to go to the real show! That'd be cool! TBS RENEW GEINOJIN SPORTSMAN!!! (cough.. the last one was friggin
Orakio Matsuyuki 松雪オラキオ from
Dangan Jockey 弾丸ジャッキー on his 2nd attempt at 18 boxes!
.. hmm? he seems to be completely off the side.. I didn't hear any body parts hitting though..
Oh he's not sure either..
Hmm.. seems most of his body was away from the box so that's considered a miss
Orakio Matsuyuki 松雪オラキオ from
Dangan Jockey 弾丸ジャッキー is done as well with 17 boxes completed
Hmm I've seen him all day but never running -
Akihito Yamada 山田章仁 - he plays Rugby
Yamada totally representin' - he's cleared!
Daisuke surprised!
As a Polish SASUKE fan I had no idea that Polish Olympic Champion in vault Leszek Blanik participated in such an event...
To see Toshihiro Takeda doing better that a champion himself was...just great!!! :) Congratulations! :)
And to see Nagano's Takeda's and Yamamoto's gorgeous SMILES AGAIN was - priceless !!!
THANK YOU for this blog :)
You are quite welcome :) This was quite the departure for the All-stars to be in such an event. I actually miss Sportsman #1 as a full tournament. I sadly am cathcing up in Youtube with the ones I missed. I would have loved to see it continue!
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