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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sasuke 30 Spoilerific Review - Part 2

Sasuke spoilerific review ;) Warning.. incoming blog of Sasuke 30.. if you don’t want to know.. you have been warned ( ^ . ^ ) (Just remember.. there is NO USA Broadcast of this. NBC has renegotiated out of their contract to show Sasuke on USA soil. Yes.. you read that right.. Now with the death of G4 official and NBC not giving a damn about Sasuke Japan, we will never see Sasuke Rising on US television (or any overseas country for that matter unless everyone buys the original 4 hour broadcast from TBS). For a preview of this event, please see SASUKE 30 NAVI an hour preview of Sasuke Rising with a review of the Sasuke ASEAN Open Cup and fluff pieces of all the major players in the upcoming Sasuke. There were even a couple of runs that were cut from the official broadcast! I'm taking my time on the blogs. I'm still getting cluster headaches during the day so I have to pace myself when I do these blogs.

(Massive thanks to TBS for posting the names of all 100 competitors!  Thanks to Ube for his help on the names in English!!)
I cracked up laughing at this part of the Nico Nico broadcast.  Granted they were there for 5 hours total but at one point you had someone walk behind them and start passing out their dinner. Takoyaki たこ焼き (Fried Octopus balls)  This is them eating them during the broadcast. Notice also that the talento guy (Shimon Ookura モデル 大倉士門) I mentioned before has joined them.

If you saw Navi you know who this family is!
Hioki's wife Mayumi 真弓 and their daughter Miyuna菜 and their baby son Ryusei 琉青

Daughter Miyuna菜 performing on cue!  If you saw Navi, you know they practiced this cheer!

Masashi Hioki 日置 将士

電気店長 Electronics Store Manager

Long-time readers of my blog will recognize this wipeout.  For those with good memories .. we saw him briefly in Sasuke Trials during one of my very early blogs - Summer, 2008 for Sasuke 21 - He was in the group that represented the All-Stars - his was Bunpei.  He failed (middle) by missing the Gliding Ring.

Still the photo has an error.  this was from 2009.. Poor guy was also in the Sasuke 22 Trials where he got to the final only to miss the final jump!  This is when he failed and was comforted by his new bride Mayumi 真弓 . 

It was their wedding where I got the phrase "Lucky Bastard that got Bunpei Shiratori to speak at his wedding".  For a long time, this was the only way people even knew who he was. Luckily he has a record now and people can remember his Sasuke history rather than anecdotes from trials.

Ya'll can remember the Geronimo jump that was in every commercial for in Sasuke 25

Hioki and TBS reminding us with a suckitude chart™ that he failed the first stage 3 times in a row.

Ssauke 29, with a pregnant wife and his young daughter looking on..

He finally cleared the First Stage.

All of his friends (whom we know as Stars now) ran to him after he cleared to give him congratulations.  It was his run that made Yuuji cry (and they made that part of the commercials that they played over and over again).

Now present day, Masashi Hioki 日置 将士 gets ready to do the First stage!

Clear on Long Jump

No wait.. we have commercials! Hello Bunpei!

Masashi Hioki 日置 将士

Clear on Log Grip

Taking his time on the Hedgehog

Left side grab on the Jump Hang Kai

And yes you can grab either side.

Clear on the First wall

Comes to a halt to eyeball the 2nd wall...

rewarded by clearing the 2nd wall on the first try

Now to the Tarzan Rope

clear on Tarzan rope

18 seconds to haul up the plank

Lumberjack climb is growing on me.

First Stage Clear!

Hioki's wife Mayumi 真弓 and their daughter Miyuna菜 and their baby son Ryusei 琉青

Fellow STQ'er Asa celebrating his clear

A first look at who's #3000 in this tourney! That's Morimoto on the left

Masashi Hioki 日置 将士 is happy to have cleared in back to back tournaments

Aww she's so pretty!

His Wife and Daughter celebrate his clear and baby is still too young to understand wtf is going on.

Masashi Hioki 日置 将士 - FIRST STAGE CLEAR

Fellow talent and paid celebs ponder the course (Darvish, Wakky, Naito (who was #1) and Kinnikun.

Oh so he's actually a model - Shimon Ookura モデル 大倉士門 (he's the guy who is inexplicably in the Nico Nico studio with the rest of the stars)

Clear on the Long Jump

Making love to Sasuke Spray

 Maybe he should have put some spray on his feet? He lets go too early and splashes his feet in the water.
Shimon Ookura モデル 大倉士門  - Death by Log Grip

More of Darvish who apparently is into grade school girls...

Not sure if he's just into kids? Whatever it is, it's funny.

Yuusuke Suzuki 鈴木祐輔 - Sasuke Sensei

Yuusuke Suzuki 鈴木祐輔 with his horde of kids!

Clear on the Long Jump

And the Log Grip

Smooth through the Hedgehog

Yay he caught the Jump Hang Kai

slowly working across the netting

Yay clear on the first wall!

Pole dancing to the 2nd Wall

He er.. is going the wrong way...

Wow not even close...

I could be wrong but it looks to me that's his 2nd and 4th grade classes represented?

Yeah he's not even close on his next attempt

Okay he finally reached with his hand! Still didn't catch it.

At least he kept trying and not giving up until the time was up.

LOL His students are going to rush to get to their teacher!

And Darvish decides he wants some of that action

Mad dash to get to the Teacher! LOL

Yuusuke Suzuki 鈴木祐輔 - Death by Time up on the Double Warped Wall

Teacher turns around and notices the horde running at him.. with a Golden Bomber among them!

Students cheering for their teacher for a great run!

Yay! It's Sasuke All-Star Bunpei Shiratori 白鳥文平

Wait.. does he have makeup on?

Tasuku Nagase! 永瀬 匡 Ube says he's from Kamen Rider! OH! This is the guy Jenn was talking about. He's the Power Ranger! LOL

clear on Long Jump

Clear on Log Grip

No problems on the Hedgehog

Whoops!  Tasuku Nagase! 永瀬 匡 - Death by Jump Hang Kai

Ryusuke Yamamoto 山本涼介 - Actor!

Clear on Long Jump

Clear on Log Grip

Clear on Hedgehog

Whoops couldn't hang

Ryusuke Yamamoto 山本涼介 - Death by Jump Hang Kai

Shift change!
Veteran announcer Keisuke Hatsuta 初田 啓介 is back ya'll!

TBS reminding us that it is indeed 3 people that cleared the First Stage so far.  There will be more on that later (as to why they didn't show the first clear in the main broadcast). I was worried that he would be eliminated entirely but I'm happy that they at least acknowledged his clear.

Oh wow!  The Bruce Lee impersonator from way back! It's been 9 years since he's been on the show!

 Toyohisa Iijima 飯島豊久 is back!

And the jacket is off.. and has to readjust the elbow pads. LOL

Okay good he didn't fail on the first obstacle.

LOL Pose as usual before each obstacle

Clear on the Log Grip

Posing again before Hedgehog

Wow with no preparation he had no hope in clearing this. There's actually a path that people can walk through if they are patient. He wasn't and paid for it.

 Toyohisa Iijima 飯島豊久 - Death by Hedgehog

One last funny face for the crowd. I hope he comes back!

Yay! He's back as well! This is his first Rising tournament. His last one was back in Sasuke 27 when M9 was still in control.

He's and actor and is known for his travel shows/documentaries, etc.

Kenjirou Ishimaru 石丸謙二郎

Agreed with Ube, he can run rings around most people younger than him!

Kenjirou Ishimaru 石丸謙二郎 ready for Sasuke Rising!

clear on the Long Jump.

Log grip shorter for women, children and senior citizens.

clear on the Log Grip

Clear on the Hedgehog

AWESOME! Caught the Jump Hang Kai!

caught on the right side but going really slowly

Struggling a bit trying to get across the netting

Oh.. he dropped his feet too low...

That moment when you feel the water on your shoe...

Morimoto screaming when he saw the foot touch the water

The dumb ditz who has no idea wtf is going on and trying to look like she is paying attention

Good for him for not falling in the water. He is obviously dejected. I am!

Yep.. pretty clear he skimmed the water with his foot.

Mo~o! もぉ (Geez) - Still though he's friggin' rockin' at 60 years old!

Kenjirou Ishimaru 石丸謙二郎 - Death by Disqualification on Jump Hang Kai

 Mika Watanabe 渡邊美香 - First woman to ever clear the Warped Wall in Sasuke history
This is a Fast Forward Section

Bah.. she started way to her right to begin with.

 Mika Watanabe 渡邊美香 - Death by Hedgehog

Rina Sawayama 澤山瑠奈

At least we don't get a zoom up of her chest like we have in previous tournaments...

And.. too early on the Log Grip so she splashes her feet

She's yelling that she had it!
Rina Sawayama 澤山瑠奈 - Death by Disqualification on Log Grip

Rumi Hanai 花井瑠美 

Wow she got to the Jump Hang Kai!

Rumi Hanai 花井瑠美 - Death by Jump Hang Kai

 Asuka Kawaura 川浦あすか

Asuka Kawaura 川浦あすか - Death by Hedgehog

Joji Amano 天野ジョージ

Got all the way to the 2nd wall!

This was the closest he got to clearing it. Kudos for not giving up!

Joji Amano 天野ジョージ - Death by Time up on Double Warped Wall

 Kodama Kono 河野神樹

Takes off his hat


Oooooh left his foot hanging too low..

Kodama Kono 河野神樹 - Death by Disqualification on Long Jump

Taizo Wariya 割谷泰三

Wasn't sure which of the guys was running until now LOL

All the way to the Jump Hang Kai

Taizo Wariya 割谷泰三 - Death by Jump Hang Kai

And his headband is floating away!

Yay! I know who he is!  Boooo he's been Fast Forwarded!

Strange seeing him without glasses!  Only my blog readers and Sasuke Maniac Forum members will know who HE is. 

For those who remember, he is known by his nickname Jin (or forum member Shuhuqua) who has been really kind to do translations for me in 2 interviews - Morimoto and Tada. I'm happy that after 3 tries to get on Sasuke he has finally made it!

 Kung Cheen-Howng 洪 恭芹 - English Teacher 英語教師

Jin HAULING up the Lumberjack Climb with only 4 seconds left!

Sheer determination to get up that platform!

YES!  He clears!!!

That's our 4th clear!  Kung Cheen-Howng 洪 恭芹 - FIRST STAGE CLEAR!

Most people don't know that he trains with all of the STQ'ers so they are ELATED he cleared! I'm sure people watching at home going "wtf who is this guy?" LOL!

I'm really happy they showed this at least. That's Hioki, Yuuji, Kong all losing their marbles for Jin's clear. Many a training session was done to prepare for this day!

I'm so happy that TBS showed this! All that training paid off!

For those who remember this picture.. Now you know ( ^ . ^ ) ©Yuuji Urushihara
(Yuuji, Hioki, Okada, Jin, Kong)
Btw bonus if you know what pose this is!

This I wish they showed as well.  You had a few people running the course with him, including Drew Dreschel who was SCREAMING support the whole time!

Ryo and Morimoto high fiving each other for Jin!

So happy Morimoto finally got to meet Jin face to face after doing that interview for me via Skype! It wouldn't have been possible without Jin's help!


Unknown said...

Ginyu Force pose :)

GTONeko said...

Dragon Ball makes the world go round basically. X3

But yeah, kind of interesting how much Fast Forwards they had to do this tournament, but at least good to see that they "slowed down" to show key moments for the time outs and fellow SMB'er to get his stage 1 clear.

I wish I knew and remembered about the Nico Nico broadcast...would've watched it as well, but with the net speed being bogus, can only do so much. :/

Keep it up! Can't wait to see what else you've got on your mind about the tournament. :3

Unknown said...

I finally got it...

jenn said...

Re: Hioki: I love that they didn't show Bunpei in his fluff piece when they showed the wedding pic, but then showed him in the ad break at the beginning of his run. Hey, you can't go wrong with that connection.

I still want to know what was up with the music from Rookies for Suzuki. I really did have to double check to make sure Nakao wasn't back. (g) Also, WTF Darvish.

(shakes head re: Hagase) I tried, I tried... and he doesn't look like he has make up on to me. Believe me, I've seen some of the even more recent toku boys who I swear wear liptstick because of how pink their lips are.

Oh, Iijima, never change. We missed you. You know, after Bunpei, I think he was the returnee folks were most excited about, and I do hope he comes back again.

They had to get Ishimaru back - he is the true toku train master (he was Owner and Station Master on Kamen Rider Den-O). Yokohama needs to learn from him. (g) Again, I hope he returns.

Well, we know why Ice Tart was fast forwarded - no opportunity for the Boob Cam.

Jiiiiiiin. Please let his run be uploaded to the official YouTubes (for that matter, any runs - wonder when those will get posted?).