Sasuke spoilerific review ;) Warning.. incoming blog of Sasuke 30.. if you don’t want to know.. you have been warned ( ^ . ^ ) (Just remember.. there is NO USA Broadcast of this. NBC has renegotiated out of their contract to show Sasuke on USA soil. Yes.. you read that right.. Now with the death of G4 official and NBC not giving a damn about Sasuke Japan, we will never see Sasuke Rising on US television (or any overseas country for that matter unless everyone buys the original 4 hour broadcast from TBS). For a preview of this event, please see SASUKE 30 NAVI an hour preview of Sasuke Rising with a review of the Sasuke ASEAN Open Cup and fluff pieces of all the major players in the upcoming Sasuke. There were even a couple of runs that were cut from the official broadcast! I'm taking my time on the blogs. I'm still getting cluster headaches during the day so I have to pace myself when I do these blogs.
(Massive thanks to TBS for posting the names of all 100 competitors! Thanks to Ube for his help on the names in English!!)
Now back to the New Generation! Asa's Turn!
Our humble tree trimmer
And of course referencing the Sasuke ASEAN Open Cup that was heavily featured in Navi.
He carries with him home made luck charms to help him keep going.
Clip from Navi with a special someone in the background
We spot a new chick in town! No idea what her name is though..
And thus on the Field of Defeat in Malaysia the spark of rivalry (ehem...) inspiration was born!
So he's at Sasuke hoping all of his hard work comes to fruition. (i.e. he's going for fastest time)
Yuki 由妃
Maybe his clothes are dirty so he doesn't wear it for that reason?
Maybe not, but this poor dog's clothes are literally reeking yellow poo gas...
New Generation Star Kazuma Asa 朝一眞
Clear on the Long Jump
Clear on the Log Grip
Flying through the Hedgehog
Catches the Jump Hang Kai
Oh yeah.. he's going for fastest time..
Up the first wall
Up the second wall
Hauling to grab the Tarzan rope
Already on the floating mat
Hauling up the Lumberjack Climb
what is up with his armpits?
And quickly looks at his time..
New Generation Star Kazuma Asa 朝一眞 - FIRST STAGE CLEAR!
Meanwhile Nagano having a private moment with some Sasuke Spray.
Oooooh he hears Asa got the fastest time.
Yuki 由妃
Asa GirlfriendCam™
Asa officially top dog with Ryo just behind him and Drew who wasn't even trying in 3rd. LOL
Oh.. they are adding a new story I haven't heard. Seems he got some hand-made good luck charms that he keeps inside of his shoes/boots/thingies.
Our humble tree trimmer
Kazuma Asa 朝一眞
Aahahahaha for the main broadcast they dialed back the snark and just put Tree Trimmer without the "teary" part. If ya'll remember back just from last week where in Navi they had him the equivalent of the "Crying Gardener".. (Technically the phrase is: Teary 涙の Tree Craftsman 植木職人)
And of course referencing the Sasuke ASEAN Open Cup that was heavily featured in Navi.
Seems Asa went to Malaysia with something to prove (after the disaster from last year in the USA) and on the first day of Individual Finals he fell on the Spider Walk knocking him out of contention.
He carries with him home made luck charms to help him keep going.
Clip from Navi with a special someone in the background
We spot a new chick in town! No idea what her name is though..
In Malaysia, Asa was inspired by the man who would defeat everyone in that event, Team USA's Drew Dreschel. It was watching Drew seemingly effortlessly that lit a fire within Asa to try to aspire to be like him, if not better.
And thus on the Field of Defeat in Malaysia the spark of rivalry (ehem...) inspiration was born!
So he's at Sasuke hoping all of his hard work comes to fruition. (i.e. he's going for fastest time)
Yuki 由妃
魂:meaning spirit or soul, so his back is meant to read "The spirit of Sasuke or the soul of Sasuke" seems to have been his good luck kanji as he always wears it on his bare back.
Maybe his clothes are dirty so he doesn't wear it for that reason?
Maybe not, but this poor dog's clothes are literally reeking yellow poo gas...
New Generation Star Kazuma Asa 朝一眞
Clear on the Long Jump
Clear on the Log Grip
Flying through the Hedgehog
Catches the Jump Hang Kai
Oh yeah.. he's going for fastest time..
Up the first wall
Up the second wall
Hauling to grab the Tarzan rope
Already on the floating mat
Hauling up the Lumberjack Climb
what is up with his armpits?
And quickly looks at his time..
New Generation Star Kazuma Asa 朝一眞 - FIRST STAGE CLEAR!
Meanwhile Nagano having a private moment with some Sasuke Spray.
Oooooh he hears Asa got the fastest time.
Dem whippersnappers.. so that's what this feels like when I was in my prime and then had to follow that performance.
Yuki 由妃
Asa GirlfriendCam™
Asa officially top dog with Ryo just behind him and Drew who wasn't even trying in 3rd. LOL
98 down, 25 clears
Because I can
LOL Takeda totally cheesing guarding Nagano's shoes
Shingo celebrating that his new uniform now has a new hat rule.
Asa having a tearful interview about potential and expectations.
Yay we get to see the Caning Ritual™! (Somehow typing that out makes me sound evil...) Now to the present as we get set for the very solemn Sasuke caning ritual™ presided by Brother Takeda who already has a silly grin on his face.
And it was so fast that I couldn't get a better screenshot other than the impact.. notice Nagano's shoulders.. buckle..
.. yeah.. I felt that.. internally..
Hot damn now that I'm over 40.. I don't quite bounce back from that.. hmm.. maybe we should come up with something else.. something less.. violent..
Captain of the 50th Konpiramaru 第50金比羅丸
And if you guys remember from the TV Asahi Densetsu show that Nagano was featured 4 years ago, you will know that these fish are horse mackerel or what they call Aji アジ.
Fisherman: 漁師
Sasuke All-Star Makoto Nagano
The 2nd man to achieve 完全制覇 - Kanzenseiha (Complete Domination) in Sasuke 17
Ya'll remember that it's been 3 years since he's passed the first stage! This was him sucking in Sasuke 28 where he couldn't get up the 2nd Wall.
And got yelled at by his wife because he just stopped trying to clear it and walked off the rest of the seconds until the time up.
In Sasuke 29, trying not to make the same mistake twice, he overdid it and pulled his hamstring on the Long Jump.
Thus making it virtually impossible to pass the wall. He still muscled through, in pain, so he wouldn't get yelled at.
Makoto's wife Asami 阿紗 美
Noting over the winter that he lost a lot of his stamina, he started to train for Sasuke pretty early. His routine usually started with running.
He started to realize that the customary run he used to do when he was younger, the long steep climb up the steps of his hometown, rendered him winded. He chronicled his progress on his Facebook for a number of months leading up to the taping of Sasuke.
That's never happened before in his life training before Sasuke. So, he added 6 kilogram (13 lbs.) weights around his waist and kept doing those runs up those steep steps every day to give him more stamina. He realized as he ages he loses speed and stamina but now is the first time he NOTICED it while doing a routine he has done thousands of times in his own backyard.
Awwwww This is their older son Kaiou 塊王 who's getting big! He's in a school uniform! They are rummaging through a clover patch.
Daddy you can't have this.. it's mine..
But I'll show you my four leaf-clover!
I think he inherited my stubbornness.. that's not good.
Edit: It was cool knowing what he said at this exact point. It was poignant. I was happy he literally addressed the "move on old man" comments that upset me personally. I love the All-stars and love supporting the competitors that want to keep going despite their age. So knowing that HE doesn't want to go anywhere really makes me smile. He just now sees it as a new challenge now that his son is growing up and following his every move. Added from SMF (Thanks midoriyamanosaru)
Everyone says "Is he over?", "He's finished."
That upsets me.
Kaio (his son) has reached the age of reason.
I don't want to show him an embarrassing moment.
I want to impress him.
Nagano Familycam™ GANBARE! がんばれ! (Good luck/Hang in there) By a very
LOUD Kaiou 塊王 who is now 5 years old. Meanwhile we welcome the television debut of baby Taiou 太皇 (who just
turned 1 years old) to Sasuke while Mom Asami 阿紗 美 holds them both.
Yeah son.. Pile on the pressure.. your old man doesn't need anymore..
I mean I can barely stand after I had my lungs slammed into my chest cavity by that caning. Now I have to have the hopes of my son piled on top of my shoulders.
Here comes one of the longest introductions all day.. par for the course. LOL
TBS saving money on their electric bill by not lighting up the Final yet.. it's only Day 1 so they can save that for tomorrow's budget.
LOL Dem kneepads screwed up the number effect.
As Morimoto politely and quietly watches the Legend get into the zone..
He sees as Nagano literally gets into the zone..
Sasuke All-Star Makoto Nagano
And if you ever wondered.. this is the look like in his yes when the "switch" turns on.
And off he goes!
Okay didn't repeat the same mistake twice. Clear on the Long Jump
Getting set for the Log Grip
Clear on the Log Grip
Casually walking up to the Hedgehog
And he takes his time not to Takeda™ the Hedgehog
Clear on the Hedgehog
Taking a deep breath because he has failed the Jump Hang before..
Good high catch on the Jump Hang Kai
Methodically going across the netting.
And you hear a "Whooooh" from him as he almost dismounted too early! LOL
He cracks a smile as he dismounts the Jump Hang Kai
collects himself and clears the first wall
eyeballs the 2nd wall..
Takes a moment to collect his thoughts
oooh.. one hands it.. but he got it!
Now trying to haul since he took his time earlier in the course..
Jumps on the Tarzan rope with 24 seconds left
safe landing
Should be fine on this since he's done the Heartbreaker and the Spider Flip so he should be familiar with this new wall.
Yep. Zero issues and he flies up the Lumberjack Climb
Finally seeing a smile come out as he's safely onto the walkway.
And EMPHATICALLY slaps the red button!
Fist pumps from Makoto! After 3 long years he's back in the 2nd Stage!
Nagano just melts into a wide smile and girly giggling with joy.
Lord knows Kong who's been there since forever is happy to see his fellow vet get over this slump.
Crowd going wild now
Mike Bernardo of the USA doing jumps
As the fellow ASEAN competitors cheer with him.
Not to be outdone in the passion department, Asa doing a HELL YEAH! on the corner there. We all know how huge of a Nagano fan Asa really is.
Asami is overcome with emotions as everyone around her (especially Kaiou) is freaking out with excitement.
Lord knows this woman has been supporting her man through thick and thin and even been drill sergeant whenever he slacked. So this clear is just as much hers as it is his.
This really is moving. I was crying while watching this live.
Nagano openly celebrating his clear after all this time. I'm jumping in my chair I'm so happy.
And now the 40 year old bones tell him he needs to stop moving now. LOL
Catching his breath and probably reliving all of those fails in his head.
Finally popping her head out to see the commotion.
Taiou is trying to figure out what's wrong with Mommy.
Awwwww I'm having a cute attack! He's trying to hug her!
Asami can't stop crying and uses the baby blanket to wipe her tears.
Taiou comforts mommy.
Sasuke All-Star Makoto Nagano
He's so happy that he could give his son a result that wasn't embarrassing. He knows Kaiou is very well aware of his surroundings and mechanics of Sasuke. So he's one proud Papa right now!
Hey I have that shirt in white!
Yuusuke Morimoto 森本 裕介. Officially dubbed "Sasuke Kun"
The Campus of 高知大学 Kōchi Daigaku (Kochi University).
He's a Computer Science Major at Kochi University
It's rare to see him in glasses!
Everyone remembers him now as the first man ever to clear the Crazy Cliffhanger クレイジークリフハンガー in the last tournament, Sasuke 29.
He was just short of clearing the 3rd Stage.
He was a double Silver Medalist at the Sasuke ASEAN Open Cup
At home, sporting his 2 medals (Team Silver and Individual Silver for Stage 3) from that event.
At the registration line where he gets the shock of his life.
He's handed the coveted 100 (or 3000 in this case in honor of 30th tournament)
The question in everyone's minds was answered just after the tournament. He had no idea he was going to get this number. It was literally at this moment did he find out he had the #3000
He felt shocked then honored then humbled by the notion that TBS found him mature
enough to handle the number. Being last out of the 100 competitors has proven to be a lot of weight in the past to those who carried it.
So he took it as an opportunity to try to
live up to the expectation. He was jumping out of his skin he was happy to
have it, but shocked that it actually happened. His IMMEDIATE thought was that during the previous two anniversary events only All-Stars carried the top number. He honestly thought Nagano would have it again. Yamada had 1000 and Nagano had 2000 so the fact that he was put in that company by being 3000 was immediately humbling.
While he's being introduced we remind you that 99 have gone and we have 26 clears!
A very wide smile from a normally reserved Morimoto shows how proud he is of this moment to be introduced as the final competitor in the 30th Sasuke Tournament.
Yuusuke Morimoto 森本 裕介
But first, this optical illusion
You lookin' at me?
And we are back as Morimoto is having a hard time trying to contain his excitement.
And yes! Long Jump Cleared!
Same for Log Grip
And Hedgehog
Nice and high on the Jump Hang Kai
He's methodically going through the obstacles in a nice pace. Reminds me of old-school Nagano style actually..
Clear on the first Wall
Clear on the second wall
Taking the Tarzan Rope really low...
WHOOOOOOAH BESSY... but safe arrival.. even if it made my stomach drop..
Keeping his composure and starts to climb
Quick and easy pace on the Lumberjack Climb
And the silly grin is evident as soon as he sees the time and buzzer and knows he's got HERDS of time left!
Wow.. definitely old-school Nagano style clutching his heart in relief
Doesn't care about time trial he slows down and savors the walk up to the red button.
And very gently stops the timer with a grin on his face.
Bowing in appreciation to the audience watching through the lens.
Yuusuke Morimoto 森本 裕介 - FIRST STAGE CLEAR!
An ecstatic Morimoto raises his hands to the crowd that's cheering for him all the way on the other side of the course.
Back to studio!
Noritomo Morisawa 森澤教有
Koshige Yamamoto 山本浩茂
Going across the screen are the names and pictures of the 27 clears of the first stage. At this time you see the deleted run of Noritomo Morisawa 森澤教有 I was telling you about earlier and they mention why he wasn't shown and that he was unable to compete in the 2nd Stage. They at least acknowledged him which is more than I can say about NBC.. LOL
Koshige Yamamoto 山本浩茂
Masashi Hioki 日置 将士
Kung Cheen-Howng 洪 恭芹
Tomohiro Kawaguchi 川口朋広
Tomohiro Kawaguchi 川口朋広
Tomohiro Kawaguchi 川口朋広
Terukazu Ishikawa 石川輝一
Ruriko Kojima 小島瑠璃子 - Gravure idol
Shinya Kishimoto 岸本真弥
Terukazu Ishikawa 石川輝一
Toshihiro Takeda 竹田敏浩
Kinnikun Nakayama なかやまきんに君
Wakky ワッキー
Kinnikun Nakayama なかやまきんに君
Wakky ワッキー
Koki Someya 染谷幸喜
Shunsuke Nagasaki 長崎峻侑
Lee En Chi リー・エンチ
Shunsuke Nagasaki 長崎峻侑
Lee En Chi リー・エンチ
Drew Dreschel ドリュー・ドレッシェル
Shingo Yamamoto 山本進悟
Yuuji Urushihara 漆原裕治
Shingo Yamamoto 山本進悟
Yuuji Urushihara 漆原裕治
Ryo Matachi 又地諒
Kenji Takahashi 高橋賢次
Hitoshi Kanno 菅野仁志
Hitoshi Kanno 菅野仁志
Kazuma Asa 朝一眞
Makoto Nagano
Yuusuke Morimoto 森本 裕介
Actress Takejo Aki あき竹城 having a discussion about Hioki
Nana Katase 片瀬那奈 and Jay Kabira 川平慈英
LOL Seems they were the only ones having a conversation together leaving Nana alone in a corner..
Actor Teruyuki Tsuchida 土田晃之 seems only interested in the new Asa girlfriend Yuki Baba 馬場由妃
And luckily this was a short and fairly painless clip! Nice way to incorporate that in without it throwing off the balance of the show. Thanks!
So awesome to see Nagano clear Stage 1! It's easy to forget that he's 42 now.
From memory a few of the competitors had black underarms at some point. I think even in stage 2?
Thanks for providing the background and translations (via SMF). It adds another layer to the story. I think TBS did a good job of making us care about the competitors and their battle with Midoriyama. Well, except for those they skipped. :(
It's easy to forget except I'm only 5 months younger and even I go "damn I don't recover anywhere near as fast as I used to".. LOL
I saw it too but no idea.. it looks like oil...
Hey no problem! I try to include as much as I can since the human interest stories are the parts that I like along with their runs (provided they are shown). Besides getting translations on some of the funny stuff is awesome! And thanks for the other translations found on SMF I put who actually did the hard work on that!
And agreed.. about those skipped /facepalm Then again, I liked the 5 hour Sasuke :p
Seems like he should have had at least 3 total victories by now.
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