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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sasuke 26 Navi - Part 2

Title of the Sasuke 26 Navi

This is Part 2 of Sasuke Navi that aired on December 28, 2010. Part 1 can be found here. Sorry it's taking me long to get this up but I .. kinda got sick. :p

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the Nagano serenade! I'm still surprised he did a music CD! Can't wait to see it come out this year! I wonder if there are more than just one song.. hmm... anyway.. Back to Sasuke Navi! PART 2!

We go back to August of 2010.. which seems a lifetime ago.. we are back in Narita Airport

where we see All-Star Makoto Nagano 長野誠

meet up with Current Champion Yuuji Urushihara 漆原裕治

and Yoshiyuki Okuyama 奥山義行

As I wrote back way back when.. the 3 stars went to Venice Beach California for the taping of the preliminaries of American Ninja Warrior.

TBS took a camera crew with them to document the Sasuke stars experience in the USA.

Seems TBS is doing the usual "you've got mail" routine.. LOL

Current Champion Yuuji Urushihara 漆原裕治

Dude.. wtf is this.. it's in English you ass...

Yoshiyuki Okuyama 奥山義行 is just as perplexed...

another black ticket...

Makoto Nagano 長野誠 girly giggles his confusion..

I don't know wtf they said but it came with a plane ticket! Sayonara!

I'm leaving.. on a jet plane..

Well for once.. they used the right icon.. they are in Los Angeles!

Hahahah we know where he is.. he's been here before!

Yuuji seems to prefer Sylvester Stallone

Meanwhile away from his wife.. Yoshiyuki Okuyama 奥山義行 lets his hair down and poses with a lifesize model of Marilyn Monroe ... he doesn't need no stinking floor tile..

Back in Venice Beach in Los Angeles, California

Registration line.. TBS loves this shot

David Campbell デイヴィッド・キャンベル is part of the 300 people who competed in the first 2 days of competition

Ryan Stratis flexing his muscle for the 2nd time in ANW and 6th time if you include American Ninja Challenge..

Sasuke stars getting a sneak peek at the festivities behind the scenes

Nagano is enjoying reading someone's arm..

Nagano being the easiest to recognize for even the casual Ninja Warrior fan is being greeted by those waiting in line

Brian Kretsch posing with Okuyama

Another fan posing with Yuuji

Nagano.. sweetie.. Yes Levi is here.. but the Lamp Graspie thingie is not on this course...

He seems to be smiling a lot more these days.. which is good!

The line for the autograph session

Nagano meets a young fan

Yuuji signing an autograph with his patented sticky fingers... he has an unhealthy fascination with tape.. is he into .. bondage?

Stalkers in training have their signatures on their arms..

This couple is honored they came all the way to the USA from Japan


USA really is the land of Giants.. wtf..

Nagano is used to it.. he's been here before.. so it's not as shocking!

Girly giggle again.. he's excited..

Ah! He recognizes Brian Orosco ブライアン・オロスコ despite his outrageous mustache!

Yuuji wants some love too!

Wow even Okuyama is partaking in the PDA! Dammit he better have learned and hug his wife the next time I see him...

Brian Orosco ブライアン・オロスコ (Sasuke 23)

Brian Orosco ブライアン・オロスコ (Sasuke 25)

.. wtf is Yuuji.. oh.. nvm.. LOL

Start line for ANW2's prelim stage (and semi's.. LOL they ran this twice)

Yada yada yada.. 10 people go.. yada yada :) See? Piece of cake :p

Sasuke stars take their seats to watch the show

and.. Nagano is recognized immediately

Let the bowing begin!

More cheering and more bowing.. the other guys think they aren't recognized so they get their seats

Warrior wipe out on the rope..

And TBS pulls back to see them laugh at the poor soul

Brian Orosco ブライアン・オロスコ during his preliminary run

Nagano starts to yell as if he's being understood.. LOL

wtf.. he replied correctly! GO BRIAN!! (uhm.. he said I will do my best in Japanese)

Brian in the spider walk. I can't call it the jumping spider.. it's too close and too low..

Nagano likes what he sees

Brian Orosco ブライアン・オロスコ clears the prelim round in time!

must be awkward to have a camera up your face like that for every shot..

Wondering if Okuyama is used to the attention by now..

Shane Daniels シェーン・ダニエルス doing his run

David Campbell デイヴィッド・キャンベル in his shades and dockers making it look easy..

wtf is Nagano cheesing at??

LOL did he stick his finger up his nose?

LMFAO Okuyama is doing the same thing.. ROFL!!!

Ohhhhhh they are being told they are going to try the course..

See? That was EASY!

Prerequisite training pics..

LOL Nagano ALWAYS finishes his stretching routine when TBS turns the camera on him.. it's like he doesn't like being filmed while stretching or something..

Yoshiyuki Okuyama 奥山義行 during ANW2

TBS pretty much fast forwarded his run but you can see the whole thing on Youtube if you wanted to :p

They spent most of the clip talking about how he did a performance instead of a run

Yoshiyuki Okuyama 奥山義行 Preliminary run clear in ANW2

LOL he gets high fives from the crowd!

He's going all the way down the line (the length of the course)

Yuuji Urushihara 漆原裕治 is up next and he's already cheesing

What up?! Representin' UNCLI Yo!

No problems with the spider walk

Yuuji Urushihara 漆原裕治 Stage clear!

Next is a long introduction and TBS gave his themesong! LOL

Ryoga Vee shouting out from the crowd "NAGANO! NAGANO!"

Makoto Nagano 長野誠

Aww.. he's totally verklempt..

Nagano already getting a standing ovation as the crowd goes nuts at hearing his name

Giggles before the Rope Swing

Flies over the "F"ail bridge.. LOL

Getting ready for the Jumping Bars via trampoline

he goes up and...


Makoto Nagano 長野誠 - Death by Jumping Bars.. Damn trampoline...

Goes into an attack of the giggles again

He's being cheered to get back on.. LOL He just walks it off and waves

.. stupid trampoline was there.. threw me off...

Travis Furlanic トラビス・フラニック clears as well

He's a pizza guy

Another guy is totally en Fuego..

Ah.. they are doing a montage of the ANW2 competitors that made it to Japan. They seem impressed with Jumping bars to cliffhanger set up

David Campbell デイヴィッド・キャンベル is a musician

And has a Sasuke course in his back yard!

Notice how much time they are taking to show his course? TBS likes!

TBS definitely liking ;)

Okie dokie.. it's not like we don't know by now.. LOL ANW 10 Finalists are
Brian Orosco ブライアン・オロスコ
David Campbell デイヴィッド・キャンベル
Shane Daniels シェーン・ダニエルス
Travis Furlanic トラビス・フラニック
Brent Steffensen

Evan Dollard
Adam Truesdell
Paul Kasemir
Patrick Cusic パトリックキュージック
Adam LaPlante*
*Replacement for Levi Meeuwenberg リーヴァイ・ミューエンバーグ who broke his wrist in three places)

See? They participated with EVERYONE ELSE.. contrary to G4's indoctrination.. they didn't have a private course to themselves.. okay.. off my soap box..

Back to the top 10 invented ZOMG they will totally Kanzenseiha list that random people picked from pictures they recognized on a board of pictures.. right.. totally scientific!

Oh the Olympic guy! He won didn't he?

Dude he runs fast

Hmm.. he looks good..

Yoshiyuki Okuyama 奥山義行 is #5 on our list!

TBS is enjoying showing deleted footage... this was from Sasuke 19

Despite what G4 says.. he did not quit his job as a sports instructor..

This was Sasuke 24 where he revenged his loss to the Spider Flip oh and the TBS results chart for him.. though they somehow decided to omit his Sasuke 21 result.. LOL

In Sasuke 24 Yoshiyuki Okuyama 奥山義行 finally made the final

Btw it seems he has new digs!

奥山 Okuyama Family plaque

Living room

Eat in kitchen

He seems pimped out for some reason.. LL

His wife Sachiko

Okuyama installing a Cliffhanger ledge

He either waited for TBS to come and see him install is or the poor guy had to take it down and put the damn thing up again.. I'm thinking.. part 2.. LOL

Alleyway is small

.. quit making noise..

Wow his kids are getting big!
That's his daughter Lilia and son Takaya

Awww Lilia is so pretty!

LOL Takaya getting flipped..

Ube says she cursed him.. she wants Daddy at the final again.. thus making sure he never gets there...

Because we all know.. kids curse their parent's success.. ALL THE TIME!

Back to the countdown! #4

Omg isn't he wanted for murder?


LOL What's that dork doing there?

He's totally hot..

Lord help me.. Mr. NHK himself.. Sato Hiromichi 佐藤弘道

Yay.. TBS showing how he failed in Sasuke 22

And again in 24!

I'm totally making it past the 2nd stage.. totally!

Oh.. he hands his balls doesn't he?

He's won that Sportsman thing THREE TIMES!

But doesn't TBS suck for not producing another one this year? I mean.. is he perpetual champion now? What gives?

.. she said.. balls..

I want my Sportsman dammit..

Mistah Handbol! Daisuke Miyazaki 宮﨑 大輔 oh wait.. we are in commercial..

Sato and his grin..

Katsuhide Torisawa 鳥澤克秀

Karate.. CHOP!

Shinya Kishimoto 岸本 真弥

Stepping it up and bending a wok!

Sasuke.. be there!

Yamada is waiting!

Nagano as well but he's so short the words cover most of his face!

We are up to #3 as randomly chosen by people on the street!

Oh yeah.. he's got balls!

He's cute...

Eeenie.. meenie..

Wasn't he in Spain or something?

Hey is this totally scratch and sniff?

Daisuke Miyazaki 宮﨑 大輔 is #3

/sigh I miss Sportsman.. BRING IT BACK! WE LOVE SPORTSMAN!

3 Time and defending champion

He got pwned by the Devil Steps

Daisuke Miyazaki 宮﨑 大輔

Numbah 2!!!!!

Ohhhhh it's the fisherman!

Wait.. why is he #2...

omg no.. that can only mean one thing..

wtf.. they put who in number one? Oh nvm Nagano rocks..

Makoto Nagano 長野誠 is .. number 2..

2nd winner of Sasuke

Totally got pwned in Sasuke 24..

He miscalculated and was taken out by the Spider walk/Jumping Spider

In Sasuke 25 he totally whiffed on the springboard

2 times in a row he got eaten by the 1st stage!

So.. because he failed on the spring board.. naturally you train on the trampoline...

I'm sure TBS gave him that..

Japanese men can't jump? LOL

So what if I"m short.. I'm still HOT!

TBS is doing what they can to help this jump challenged champion

Let's see that again...

Oh yeah.. it was a trampoline that pwned him in ANW2..

He didn't have the height.. again..

He actually feared this..

So back in the TBS camp...

WTF IS HE DOING!!!!??? No harness??

Yeah yeah he got a rope to hang on to.. but damn..

TBS multiple angles™

See? I trained.. leave me alone

What are thos things? Lego's??

They.. look like molars.. LOL

TBS putting him through the paces on his ship again

Okay.. fine.. yes.. I lost.. Get over it..


Awwwww he's so cute!!

Aww he's playing soccer!

There's Nagano's wife Asami 阿紗 美

And their baby boy Kaiou 塊王

or who my husband calls Chibi Nagano

LOL Kaiou is totally mesmerized by his Daddy's jacket zipper

yes yes.. leave my zipper alone..

Mom.. get him closer.. I need to get to the zipper!

LOL Makoto zips his jacket back up

and he immediately grabs it again! LOL

I'm having a cute attack! Apparently Asami tells Makoto "I won't let you hold Kaiou unless you do well" and then she says to Kaiou, "Tell Daddy (that you love so much) to try his best."

Then Kaiou taps Nagano's shoulder twice.

Makoto is totally shocked at his son's betrayal! LOL!!!!!!! I love Asami.. she's a great Mom!

And sadly.. we are here at #1 and it's not Nagano.. get prepared..

Wtf.. he's still here?

Didn't he retire?

Mistah Sasuke forevah!

Hi Mom!

Mistah Sasuke is Nagano or Yamada? Can't TBS keep them straight?

Yamada is so hot!

All-Star Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己 is number 1

He made it to the final way back in 1999 in Sasuke 3

Probably the most congested front lawn in Japan

In Sasuke 10 he got sooooo close to getting back to the final but he fell off the platform..

Prompting TBS' favorite clip they play EVERY SINGLE TIME HE'S ON.. the famous Yamada crying scene where he said Sasuke is my life

What followed was more failures.. TBS cues them up.. this is Sasuke 14

TBS reminding us that he failed 11 times in a row... in the first stage

He hasn't been in the 2nd stage in years

Did I mention how long that 11 failures was on the screen?

I'm sure going to be the 2nd famous video clip.. his retirement declaration if he sucked in 24..

Where just like a jinx.. he was eaten up by an obstacle he can easily beat physically but can't surpass mentally

Takeda and Nagano trying to will him up the wall

The last shot of Yamada on the course.. Death by Warped Wall

The last shot of Yamada on Sasuke .. being walked out by Nagano while Yamada buries his face in shame

But what is this? Flowers? Oh oh.. letter...

Yamada pours his soul as he begs to return to Sasuke

Signed by Yamada himself

So we travel back under the overpass to the congested part of the street...

Where Yamada finally fixes his Warped Wall

He's carrying the souls of his brothers who will be missing from Sasuke this time around

Kazuhiko Akiyama 秋山和彦

As you notice the red lettering - all marked as 欠場 (ketsujou) which means "unable to appear."

And back in Gifu...

Yep.. for the first time in 10 years.. Toshihiro Takeda 竹田敏浩 is absent from Sasuke

And I fear I will never see him compete again :(

Bunpei Shiratori 白鳥文平

Yes.. I'm back because they are all missing.. what of it..

TBS torturing him by forcing him to run with weights..

As he struggles up the mountain.. Seems TBS is trying to kill him?

Just about did it...

So he reverts to prayer

Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己 back in Sasuke after a small absence..

Time to scare people again! It's the brand new stage 1.. again!

They are showing the failures from the testers.. LOL


Some do look painful..

Ick.. like that one.. before they had water underneath!

And this one with water underneath

Ah they are going to show the 2nd stage

Seems nothing has changed. Double Salmon Ladder ダブルサーモンラダー is still there

That pwned Takeda the last time

And Yuuji

3rd stage

New obstacle! ^Cycling Road サイクリングロード

replaced the boards from the last time

Oh they changed the ④ *Ultimate Cliffhanger アルティメットクリフハンガー

Where Okuyama got pwned

and Lee

And Kongo

And Koji

So.. will we see the rest of the stage? and finally the Final?

All-Star Shingo Yamamoto 山本進悟

Current Champion Yuuji Urushihara 漆原裕治

Mr. NHK himself.. Sato Hiromichi 佐藤弘道

Daisuke Miyazaki 宮﨑 大輔

Makoto Nagano 長野誠

Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己 (LOL look at Shingo and Nagano... Yamada.. just walk away.. look somber.. yeah.. that's it.. work it..)

Yoshio Kojima 小島よしお

Comedian Eiko Kano 狩野英孝 who TBS calls Mr. Narcissist..

Yay! It's the Leader of the Yasuda Grand Circus (or Yasuda Dai Circus 安田大サーカス) who's referred to as "Danchō" (sometimes Danchō Yasuda 安田団長 who's real name is actually Hiromi Yasuda 安田裕己) - He became my hero when he appeared with the All-Stars in Experiments that cross time in October

Not sure who they are..

or her.. LOL

They are TBS announcers!

the guys from boy band Shinsengumi Rien 新撰組リアン

Soccer player

or him.. LOL

Last set of commercials and scan of who will be appearing

And spoilers...

Of which we can only guess...

Nagano looks annoyed..

And of course they have to finish with Naoto!

More commercials!

More spoilers!

Yamada has a pulse!

Watch.. TODAY!

Thank you for watching! See you soon with Sasuke 26 on January 2nd ONLY on TBS JAPAN! Thanks everyone for being patient while I got sick.. again.. please continue to be patient when I finally finish Sasuke 26 in the next week or so.


tricia said...

AWESOME! You always do a great job and have a wicked sense of humor with the captions.

VenusHeadTrap said...

Good luck on your Blog :) At least this one's a lot shorter than previous (disastrous) tournaments!

Jelena said...

Brilliant, as always :)
BTW, why wasn't Takeda there, do you happen to know? OH, my manners...Season's Greetings! :)

Arsenette said...

Hey :)

Sorry the blog is taking so long for the tourney. Been sick with bad headaches all week and haven't had the mental energy to do a big blog. I'll be back soon! I promise!

P.S. Takeda's absence was due to a scheduling conflict.

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