It's that time again! This is Sasuke Navi - which is a 1 hour special promoting Sasuke 26! Previous Sasuke Navi's can always be found on my site (Sasuke Navi 25, Sasuke Navi 24, Sasuke Navi 23, Sasuke Navi 22 and Sasuke Navi 21). Massive thanks to Jason again for helping us with the paid service (WIST) and to Supersheep for hosting a stream for the community. Massive thanks for Jams for helping us all out in getting a clean copy of the show so I can do this blog (my copy kept breaking out.. grrrrrrr sooooooo annoying)! Everyone online at that time was able to see it thanks to their help! It's wonderful seeing everyone support each other in viewing Sasuke. That's what makes this experience so fun!
As you can tell already .. this is Sasuke 2011.. granted.. this sucker was recorded WAY back on October 19, 2010 but it won't air until January 2nd in Japan. Full times, etc. are available here. And unlike G4.. Japanese actually enjoy showing the Americans TOGETHER with the rest of the tournament.. okay.. happy thoughts.. happy thoughts.. I'm not here to bitch about G4.. Lalalalalalala.. I know that the 2011 background is confusing the hell out of people here in the United States but it's actually very simple. They put the year of Sasuke according to when it AIRS.. not tapes. So even though it was taped back in October it was always supposed to air during the New Year (thus 2011). We had 2 Sasuke 2010's already (Sasuke 24 being New Year 2010 and then Sasuke 25 which was Spring 2010).
Btw.. this is Naoto from EXILE.. trust me.. you will become INTIMATELY familiar with this kid.. okay okay.. 27 is not a kid.. but trust me you will know about him. He's TBS' ticket to ratings this time around. They will try to gain the HUGE fangirl audience by taking him to Sasuke from one of the most famous musical groups in Japan right now. There are plenty of blogs already talking about how they haven't seen Sasuke in about 5 years but ZOMG they have to see it if Naoto is there! ZOMG.. LOL
Junior members of EXILE cheer him on!
Geez.. he's in the spiderwalk and doing well?? About time a celebrity does well ;) Btw.. January 2nd, 9 PM Japan time.. Be there!!!!!!
Someone taking a dive .. wtf is that.. Oooooooh new obstacles! Oh my..
I know those panties anywhere! Ehem.. that's Kojima :)
W.. T.. F.. Yikes.. it's a friggin' salad shooter!!!
He's getting a private overview with the camera and his bandmates and just freaking out over the whole course while his taller buddy is messing with his mind..
... TBS hates me... anyway.. Mr. NHK himself.. Sato Hiromichi 佐藤弘道
Okay! This is a tester. He's on the ① ^Step Slider ステップスライダー
So those who can't catch the rope to get to the other side will fall into the septic sludge..
TBS head cam™
Oh.. the comedians are not happy about that upgrade...
And if that didn't take them out.. ② ^Hazard Swing ハザードスイング
TBS Head cam™ shows that you can get on the swing and get to the other side
And pray you grab the bar...
LOL Yuuji is getting the giggles, Shingo is stunned, Nagano wants to cry and Yamada is wondering there the hell the Sasuke 25 went to.. he could have done that!!! LOL
Shingo starts to yell.. Nagano gets the attack of the giggles while Yamada ponders if he came out of retirement too early...
Nagano can't watch anymore. now Yamada looks like he's going to cry.. Yuuji's cackling now..
Kojima is not so happy about this.. Eiko just laughs
Another way to get past the ② ^Hazard Swing ハザードスイング is to just GEEERRRRRROOOOOONIIIMOOOOOOOOO your way across..
Take a drink... this has to be the 5th reverse angle of the broadcast.. LOL
And the camera swings over to reveal the collective Jaw dropping...
I see David's shiny noggin! LOL Now you get to see the salad shooter.. no wait.. it has a name.. wait for it.. wait for it...
And hopefully people have a more graceful landing..
.. now do you see why it's called that? Might have been easier to call it a snail? I'm sure the katakana to this is not easy to pronounce... (P.S. Thanks Rider)
And.. a whole bunch of "whoooooooooah".. as Kenji Takahashi 高橋賢次 makes an appearance jumping to the front for a better look
Yes.. Nagano girly giggle in FULL effect :p
Seems Naoto and company do a dance that reminds them of this obstacle
Naoto: "Dude I'm totally going to do that.." Tall EXILE Dude: "You're killing me man... You're killing me!"
And yet another marriage of obstacles.. welcome to the ⑦ ^Giant Swing ジャイアントスイング
Think Jump Hang without the trampoline. Oh btw this is the 4th new obstacle but the 7th one in the first stage. The 3 in between are recalls from previous Sasuke tourneys.
TBS getting their mileage out of head cam™
Okay sorry.. that's kinda cool :p
Now.. lemme explain something..
If you look up in the dictionary the definition of conniption...
Shingo's name is all over it.. LOL
He's FREAKING OUT.. he's bouncing around like a bunny... and yelling...
Then the attack of the giggles and starts to clap in utter .. I guess "no friggin' way" mode.. Er.. note that Nagano just crapped a brick... because he hasn't even moved from that position..
Leaving Nagano and Okuyama in utter SHOCK.. Shingo is looking for support and finds is in UNCLI/STQ land. In the red of Shinya Kishimoto 岸本 真弥 and the one in White pants is Ryo Matachi 又地諒 (aka Arty's love interest :p aka UNCLI #2)
Yuuji (who is UNCLI #3 btw) joins in to help Shingo recuperate from the shock
The shock fully set in .. LOL and now starts the giggles.. Looks like Taiwan's Lee En Chi リー・エンチon the right is praying!
Omg check my pulse.. Yamada has emotions! wtf...
Meanwhile.. Kojima is ... not happy...
TBS doing the prerequisite "oh... sooooo... how do you like the.. ehm.. changes?".. Kenji bites his lip...
Wait.. wtf.. Announcer.. .. OMG they are doing RUNS!!!! Sorry.. ehem.. Announcer.. Oh yeah I know him
Less annoying announcer Fumiyasu Satō 佐藤 文康 (and this is what he looks like)
Okay he has no number.. er.. so far.. Tomohiro Satou 佐藤友弘
Ah he's #4! Give it up for Tomohiro Satou 佐藤友弘 and his clan!
Awwww.. Tomohiro Satou 佐藤友弘 Death by Step Slider
The cameras are on! Look bewildered! Ehem..
No idea what it says..
Shobun Setsu 薛翔文 (Ube says he was #3)
Oh he barely hangs on...
But he made it past the Step Slider
Safe on the Hazard Swing!
Menudo.. er.. the guys from boy band Shinsengumi Rien 新撰組リアン
Onwards to the salad. er.. uhm.. Rolling Escargot!
Doooh and ripped right off! Shobun Setsu 薛翔文 Death by Rolling Escargot
boy band Shinsengumi Rien 新撰組リアン is hopefully not jinxing themselves! Yamada looks.. concerned..
Kazutaka Miyazawa 宮澤和隆 is up next! Ube says he's #5
Unsure what that says :)
Okay he's past the Step Slider!
Dooooh.. not enough swing on the swing and down he goes.. Kazutaka Miyazawa 宮澤和隆 Death by Hazard Swing
And the Miyazawa fanclub cracks up
Next is #16 Tomoyuki Suzuki 鈴木智行
He's a baker who oooooh.. that looks like a pretzel.. probably isn't but dammit I'm now craving pretzels! Btw.. nice handywork!
And he does a flip! but.. wait...
Nagano is watching
LOL Something happened.. I'll show it later..
Whatever it was it made Nagano girly giggle!
And suddenly he's uhm.. embarrassed.. LOL
Tomoyuki Suzuki 鈴木智行 Death by Step Slider
REPLAY.. this is what happened.. He forgot to take off the Sasuke necklace.. and it uhm.. wrapped itself around the cameraman! LOL (P.S. Thanks Rider)
Tomoyuki Suzuki 鈴木智行 is speechless.. LOL
I've got bunnies.. I'm a bunny.. look at my bunnies.. Ayaka Suzuki 鈴木彩香 is a woman in a cage!
Somehow I don't think TBS is zooming up to see the actual bunnies.. ehem.. at least she didn't wear a low cut shirt...
Time starts and she's finding it a little tricky getting out the pen without kicking the rabbits.. LOL
Hurray she got the rope!
Yay! She's past the Step Slider!
Doh.. hang on.. hang on...
LOL Hazard swing slaps her butt...
Her cheering section is freaking out!
Onwards to the Rolling Escargot!
Whoah.. not even close.. off she goes!
ANW2 guys all freaking out about the girl
Ayaka Suzuki 鈴木彩香 Death by Rolling Escargot
LOL sorry.. she goes on for about a minute freaking out and pointing at the obstacle.. she's FREAKED OUT by that thing!
I got your fish right here!
Omg are they going to digest Mr. Octopus??
Sorry but this commercial both mesmerized me and freaked me out at the same time!
Starts with this hot chick (dressed) looking at this guy across the way wearing red.. then all of a sudden they BOTH start stripping out in public!
This music of .. er.. groovy finally screeches to a halt when all of a sudden she pulls out this bucket and pours herself with what seems to be white ... paint..
Then she gets on the ground....
Then HE (who also doused himself in red paint) gets on top of her.. and WTF ARE THEY SELLING!????
..... SUSHI!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!! I was going wtf are they selling... anyway.. welcome to Japanese television ya'll.. LOL
Back to Sasuke and we have Tabito Okayasu 岡安旅人
Ooooooh.. Japanese Parkour..
And he's a pretty boy
Doing well on the Step Slider
HUUUGE jump and avoids the swing altogether!
Shane Daniels シェーン・ダニエルス just had himself a HELL YEAH moment!
Next up is the Rolling Escargot
OOOOOhhh he almost made it to the end but came off it too early!
Tabito Okayasu 岡安旅人 Death by Rolling Escargot!
Shane's dreams just got crushed
Tabito Okayasu 岡安旅人 is crushed..
Nope he's just fine! LOL at least he has a sense of humor
OMG a model.. that means.. ooooh that's a cool one.. I want one..
Omg are they going to digest the Dynamic Trio of Death!?!?!?
Omg look at his arm.. SOMEONE give this poor man a burger or something..
Yasuo Aoki 青木保夫 - or better known as creepy sculptor guy to me.. Sucks he's getting most likely cut from the main broadcast but at least we see him this year since they gave Levi his number last year!
LOL they showed him at the start.. then cut to a fluff piece.. but.. they cut his run! LOL
Okay back to Sasuke.. and the crowd is clapping in unison!
wtf is he wearing.. well... at least this won't try to kill him.. LOL
The Leader of the Dynamic Trio of Death!!! Mr. Octopus (Tako Tencho (btw Tako is Japanese for "Octopus" and Tencho 店長 means "Store manager")) - Minoru Kuramochi 倉持稔
He's the manager of the Edokko Pub in Tokyo
LOL wtf.. he called him.. Tako.. Ninja?
LOL yep he did! Tako Ninja ....
LOL he's amused
But wait.. that was a teaser too! We don't see his run today! Must tune into Sunday's official airing to see his run!
Okay now starts the funny/sad moment of the airing of Navi...
TBS went to the streets to ask totally random people to pick your top 10 people from the pictures who they think will be the next winner (Kanzenseiha) in Sasuke 26
So next are the picks as chosen by totally random people from a list TBS created LOL This ought to be a big wtf moment
Oh boy.. kids too.. buckle up sparky we are in for a ride..
So we start at #10!
Dude I totally pick him..
Yeah he looks tough.. I pick him
Definitely him!
.. wha? Okay okay.. wrestling fans know who he is.. Minowaman ミノワマン
Better known to everyone as Monster Box Co-World Record holder (yeah.. with like 5 other people LOL).. SUCKS no Sportsman #1 this year.. I'm so bummed.. I wanted a full tournament :(
Shingo rocking the shorts before he was married! LOL
He's been in all 25 (now 26) Sasuke's and this is his record!
And during those 13 years.. we've witness the rise in his profession. He started off as a Gasoline Station Arubaito アルバイト (which means Part-timer) or what we call Gas Jockeys
Then progressed to .. crap I don't know this one..
Then progressed to Store Manager (Tencho 店長)
And now Area Manager エリアマネージャー
I should visit him.. I can read most of the signs! LOL
Shingo hanging around at work.. LOL
Finding training anywhere he can!
Now.. where's Mario.. I need to throw this at him..
TBS loves showing his rise to glory.. so they start the reel of him sucking trying to get past Sasuke Trials...
Yet another failure..
Finally his breakthrough.. again.. he was there before.. but yeah.. G4 likes ignoring he was in Sasuke 21.. LOL
Sasuke 24 winner!
Third Sasuke Champion!
In Sasuke 25.. you know.. the one TBS downplayed.. /sigh.. he was finally #100
and the weight of it all knocked him out in the 2nd stage on a total fluke ..
OMG I WANT THAT CAT! Dude.. he just went up in kudo points.. That's a Silvertip Himalayan Cat: Dude.. you totally better not be interrupting my sunbathing with that stupid camera of yours..
And the owner of that awesome cat is Yuuji!! OMG I WANT THAT CAT.. wait.. I want to know the cat's name.. hmm .. must.. find.. out..
Dude.. the weight of the 100 suuuuuuucked..
Now I know wtf Nagano was going through...
Time to train for the TBS cameras!
Hey I know him! I've seen him a LOT in Youtube videos, etc. etc. etc.
Quoting Ube: Also, a special SASUKE shout-out goes to Yuuichi Okada 岡田祐一, who I believe is the guy who maintains 星空パーク in Saitama, where UNCLI and co. go to train sometimes. Yuuji Urushihara was shown training there during Navi.
Great blog, as usual, Elsie. Gotta love Shingo, LOL. Love his reactions. He's hyper. Makes me think of the chorus from a song: "They might tame the wind, they might calm the sea, but they'll never harness my energy! I'm the poster boy for hyperactivity! It's not my fault; the world's not keeping up with me!"
Also,I noticed something when they were showing him at the gas station talking to the guy in front of the blue van. I don't think that's the station we usually see him at. Remember the G4 preview of Sasuke 22, when Levi went to Shingo's gas station? The Car Care area was on the right side of the station. In this pic, it's on the left side. Just something I noticed. File this under "stupid things I notice." Shingo manages what, three gas stations? I guess the one he's usually at is the one in Itabashi Ward, since that's where he lives. This must be one of the other two. Anyway, good job on the blog. Looking forward to part 2.
Awesome blog. I like the fact that there's going to be EXILE member NAOTO participating in SASUKE. I'm glad Mr. SASUKE is back on SASUKE also. I love the top 10 list even though it's hilarious (LOL).
Oh Ryo, my baby, my love...another reason why I want to get to Japan so badly...LOL Nice job, can't wait for part 2. Oh by the way...Jump Hang on steroids...LMAO.
LOOK at what she made those bunnies wear, what do you think those cameramen were zooming in on? lul
Great blog, as usual, Elsie. Gotta love Shingo, LOL. Love his reactions. He's hyper. Makes me think of the chorus from a song: "They might tame the wind, they might calm the sea, but they'll never harness my energy! I'm the poster boy for hyperactivity! It's not my fault; the world's not keeping up with me!"
Also,I noticed something when they were showing him at the gas station talking to the guy in front of the blue van. I don't think that's the station we usually see him at. Remember the G4 preview of Sasuke 22, when Levi went to Shingo's gas station? The Car Care area was on the right side of the station. In this pic, it's on the left side. Just something I noticed. File this under "stupid things I notice." Shingo manages what, three gas stations? I guess the one he's usually at is the one in Itabashi Ward, since that's where he lives. This must be one of the other two.
Anyway, good job on the blog. Looking forward to part 2.
Awesome blog.
I like the fact that there's going to be EXILE member NAOTO participating in SASUKE.
I'm glad Mr. SASUKE is back on SASUKE also.
I love the top 10 list even though it's hilarious (LOL).
Can't wait for part 2.
Oh Ryo, my baby, my love...another reason why I want to get to Japan so badly...LOL
Nice job, can't wait for part 2.
Oh by the way...Jump Hang on steroids...LMAO.
Awesome blog entry! Keep up the detailed journalistic work!
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