All-Star Toshihiro Takeda 竹田敏浩, All-Star Shingo Yamamoto 山本進悟, All-Star Makoto Nagano 長野誠 and Mister Sasuke All-Star Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己 ©Konpiramal
4 Sasuke All-Stars in attendance for the 20th Annual Maguro Festival 第20回串木野まぐろフェスティバル I see I have to start doing my drinking game early! 2 versions of the Sasuke All-Star shirts and 2 Descente shirts!
4 Sasuke All-Stars in attendance for the 20th Annual Maguro Festival 第20回串木野まぐろフェスティバル I see I have to start doing my drinking game early! 2 versions of the Sasuke All-Star shirts and 2 Descente shirts!
I mentioned this before a couple times, the 20th Annual Maguro Festival 第20回串木野まぐろフェスティバル was to take place this past weekend in Kagoshima Prefecture on Saturday April 30 and Sunday May 1, 2011 in the city of Kushikino. This is a yearly local Tuna (Maguro means Tuna in Japanese) event for the port city of Kushikino. As the name implies this was their 20th anniversary. It's pretty much a county fair including games for kids, music, food and other activities for the whole family. The past few years the company Nagano works for, Takasui Corp. has participated in the event (since they also use this fishing port) and during that time they had Nagano design and build a Sasuke set where he could demonstrate his skills along with a few of his friends to the local crowd. Even when he was sick and still in the hospital did he design these sets for the Maguro Festival.

Even though I mentioned in detail that everyone that we know of in Sasuke is fine after the Great East Japan earthquake I kept getting messages about Takeda and how he's doing. Yes.. probably because of Sasuke 26 FINALLY airing on US TV this weekend.. anyway.. Obviously we see these All-Stars are just fine. Missing of course are Akiyama and Shiratori but it's rare to see them all together at once. This of course happened during Golden Week in Japan.
Yay they actually have a poster now! Would it be fangirlish of me to want the poster? Eh.. if it had pictures maybe.. though ti's cute. Either way, they never have a poster so this was a surprise.. I wonder if someone in Takasui made it.. anyway this was the poster showing where the Sasuke set was.. if the rigging wasn't a dead giveaway :p

Thanks to everyone who was able to send me pictures and post pictures on the internet. This year was a little better finding photos since the last few years have been very difficult in finding quality photos. I'm still waiting for a bunch more so I'll post more in other posts if they get to be a large amount.

I think I see something like 4 small the pictures of his music CD (which btw comes out on May 11) cover at the top of this one.. anyone else see it? Here's the cover.

友情と闘いの軌跡 CD
See what I mean? Yeah.. it's the same thing. I can't read kanji so I don't know if the other poster was promoting his CD or not. Either way.. he's now a folk singer .. get your CD soon™ P.S. Cough.. take a drink..

I swear this poster gets recycled because it has the same scripting, same picture and everything. Even the same times.. LOL Maybe they whiteout the middle part where it shows who's coming? Either way this is the sign for everyone to know who is there presenting.

The day before they went to the Maguro Festival the guys went to the Konpiramaru restaurant which is also owned by Takasui president. You know.. the guy that G4 keeps saying is Nagano's father in Sasuke 17 when Nagano won? Yeah.. that one.. sucks for G4.. that's his boss and not his father.. anyway.. digressing again.. They had a meal at the company restaurant. Btw.. who is this guy on the right? He keeps showing up in every photo! I'm still laughing at how Shingo always ends up being the odd man out in the pics.. he doesn't care.. HE'S EATING!! LOL
Edit: Thanks to Konpiramal I finally know who the heck this guy is.. I was curious since he was in all the pictures.. and I DIDN'T RECOGNIZE HIM.. it's Sasuke 23 (and 24 .. and 25) competitor Yoshiki Itou 伊藤圭槻. He was the one that won the MRT Beach Sports Competition back in late July, 2009 in Nagano's home prefecture of Miyazaki, Japan.
Youtube version of Takasui commercial promoting Konpiramaru restaurant and Hotel Zerocity with Fishing Captain Makoto Nagano 長野 誠 ©Takasui Corp
Edit: Thanks to Konpiramal I finally know who the heck this guy is.. I was curious since he was in all the pictures.. and I DIDN'T RECOGNIZE HIM.. it's Sasuke 23 (and 24 .. and 25) competitor Yoshiki Itou 伊藤圭槻. He was the one that won the MRT Beach Sports Competition back in late July, 2009 in Nagano's home prefecture of Miyazaki, Japan.
Youtube version of Takasui commercial promoting Konpiramaru restaurant and Hotel Zerocity with Fishing Captain Makoto Nagano 長野 誠 ©Takasui Corp
Ya'll can remember when I posted this a while back. Either way they where having dinner in the same restaurant. It is also in Kagoshima prefecture where the Maguro Festival took place.

Anyway.. getting back to the Maguro Festival.. a curious thing happened with these photos of their introductions.. okay.. follow me here. Remember.. there were 2 "Demonstrations" 2 days in a row for a total of 4 demonstrations. I'm unsure when these photos were taken but they were shown in a row on the website by minerallabo. Take a look at Shingo's pants..
Okay.. remember that Takeda had a black shirt.. Yamada's jacket from the previous picture was also black.
Shingo has a different set of shorts.. they are not the striped cotton grey shorts.. meanwhile.. LOOK AT TAKEDA (right side of picture.. that's him in the white wifebeater™ - also visible a couple pics later btw).

See? Look at Yamada.. okay granted he could have taken off his jacket.. but look at Takeda? He's got a white wifebeater™ shirt! Maybe the Salmon Ladder has magical powers? LOL Sorry I can't help but think of this scene in Kung Pow. Your shirt is now black.. your shirt is now white.. wtf.. LOL

Meanwhile.. everyone is in black now.. LOL See? Who is that mysterious guy getting in all the pics.. LOL Maybe someone related? Secret weapon for Yamada to unleash in Sasuke? Wait.. are we having another Sasuke Assassin? Only time will tell... (found out it's Yoshiki Itou 伊藤圭槻 from Sasuke 23 as I posted above)

LOL we see Yamada experiencing what Nagano went through.. I see Nagano has nostalgia in including this here.. the infamous grinding ring.
Video of the grinding ring and of All-Star Shingo Yamamoto 山本進悟 acting like a hoola-hoop ©jmt706901
Don't believe me? Check out this kid on the grinding ring :p While you are at it.. look to the right.. see Shingo acting like a hoola-hoop? LOL Okay that's just cute :) And btw.. Shingo's back to his cotton grey shorts.. just saying.. I'm a great magician.

Seems Takeda is having issues again with his back.. at least he's not picking a wedgie like he's famously getting caught for. Also given how many times Takeda face-plants at these events it seems they were getting prepared by using a lot of gym mats!

Anyway seems they always have at least one photo of them climbing on the rigging like monkeys.. LOL Though Yamada rarely participates.. he's too cool for that I guess :p Either way they are admiring the grinding ring.
Your shirt is white.. see? LOL It's just funny seeing how many times they changed clothes in 2 days. I can just imagine the size of the duffle bags.. wait.. I recognize what it is they are wearing.. isn't that "Road Dawgz" shirts that Taiwan's Lee En Chi リー・エンチ had in Sasuke 26?? I wonder if he gifted them some shirts?

This actually is a common occurrence. Most people can't get up the Warped Wall.. especially children.. so it's common to have someone at the top of the wall hauling up the kid while someone at the bottom pushes them up.. usually by their butts..

Now I originally thought this was referring to the kid below in the video but upon further inspection.. the kid is wearing a different shirt.. so it seems Nagano fell off this thing a couple times.. LOL
Video of All-Star All-Star Makoto Nagano 長野誠 and Mister Sasuke All-Star Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己 of helping up the wall.. sort of.. ©jmt706901
All-Star Makoto Nagano 長野誠 and Mister Sasuke All-Star Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己 ©Konpiramal
All-Star Toshihiro Takeda 竹田敏浩 's ass... and All-Star Makoto Nagano 長野誠 seemingly admiring it... ©Konpiramal
All-Star Shingo Yamamoto 山本進悟, All-Star Toshihiro Takeda 竹田敏浩, Mister Sasuke All-Star Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己 and All-Star Makoto Nagano 長野誠 lining up to sign autographs (Yoshiki Itou 伊藤圭槻 on the far right by himself) ©Konpiramal
Video evidence of a funny Nagano fail. It's just funny is all. Of course hubby says it's difficult lifting someone your own weight.. /sigh.. him making short jokes again..

Friggin' awesome pics provided my Konpiramal. I could pass popcorn aaaaaaaaaall day. I have been admiring the quality of the photos ever since I saw them tweeted. Unsure where that shirt came from. Not sure if it's from Takeda or not. Would seem to be so but can't confirm it.
This was actually the first photo I found on twitter. Shame there weren't anymore from this one poster. Still.. a drive by Nagano shot suffices. :) I see Takeda in the background and Nagano with his annoyed™ look.

Yes yes.. it's all in the angle of the photo.. but still.. doesn't it look like Nagano's admiring Takeda's ass? And yes.. I can identify it.. mostly because of the 80's beaded bracelets he has and that watch... and the fact that Nagano and Takeda was the only one wearing a Sasuke shirt at this moment in time.
Take a drink again.. Yamada with a Descente shirt... surprising since he usually wears Underarmor shirts.. I guess if it's free it's free :)

Okay.. now when I see Shingo with his farmer's tan.. I can't help start singing "One of these things is not like the other".. see it? Shingo is not under the table!! I LOVE this photo. It just seems so odd to see Shingo sticking out like that.. ROFL!!!! Everyone else seems to be oblivious to it while Shingo looks like he's trying to complain to someone "noooooo this doesn't look right.. someone get me a table dammit!".. I couldn't stop laughing. See? Look at that couple to the left of the picture.. they are laughing at Shingo too!
Mister Sasuke All-Star Katsumi Yamada 山田勝己, All-Star Shingo Yamamoto 山本進悟 and All-Star Toshihiro Takeda 竹田敏浩 ©Konpiramal
Edit: Got another set of pics and this one was HILARIOUS! Looks like they did hear me.. Makoto left his seat and gave it to Shingo :p Sorry but that was just too funny given the previous picture!

Edit: Got another set of pics and this one was HILARIOUS! Looks like they did hear me.. Makoto left his seat and gave it to Shingo :p Sorry but that was just too funny given the previous picture!
The big poster with Nagano on it, is about the release of his single.
What does it say though? I figured as much.
Down the side it has the name of the EP(or what ever you want to call it).
Then in big white letters is his name, then in the big red letters is "Otoko tachi no uta"(song title).
Above it is the name of the companey he works for. Then below is contact information.
Mina wa gannbaro desu!(Good luck to all).
I wish you could buy those pipe fittings cheap in the U.S.A. They cost about $10.00 'APIECE' around here.
Yikes.. seriously??
Also thanks for the translation :)
Good to see looks like they had fun nagano falling in video is very funny perhaps your husband is right should of put yamada at top instead
Look at these: http://www.simplifiedbuilding.com/store/components/kee-klamp/21-90-side-outlet-tee.html
Oh yikes Divia I see what you mean.. then again.. I knew GOOD obstacle courses were expensive...
Yeah UK there are several videos of other people out there but I wanted something with the All-Stars like I have seen in the past. I'm not sure anyone recorded something better.
eh, 2X4's work just as good. I plan on posting more 'Sasuke D.I.Y' soon. Keep looking!
No need to build a course just place a bid to go as g4 charity actuion is not exactly on fire should of gone with lotto approach
Hi ya,
The first "poster" is actually a boat flag for good luck... All boats fly them as as identification and good sailing. You can order them with your own design. Like we got one with our names on it for a wedding present...
Hey thanks! Didn't know that. I've actually never seen them (All-Stars) use that before so it was pretty cool :D
Ad Uk, What if you fail the first one, and fall in the water. You need to train first to win.
It was sarcasm about g4 auction not going well so far
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