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Friday, May 1, 2009

Muscle Park Glory for Golden Week!

Original poster for May 6th ©Muscle Park

Muscle Park is going to be a friggin' hopping place to be (as well as Tokyo Decks) from Saturday, May 2nd through Wednesday, May 6th.. well.. technically started Wednesday, April 29th with Wakky but who's counting? :p Either way for those who don't know.. it's Golden Week in Japan. What does that mean for Muscle Park? A cubic boatload of guests and merriment! You already know I'm interested in a couple people.. Seems like only 3 of the 6 All-Stars plus a few extras to boot.

Updated picture for May 2nd, 3rd and 6th ©Muscle Park

Seems like the All-Stars will be there 3 times. Looks like they will be outside the whole time in Tokyo Decks. Though it's not exactly clear how they will do this. In every page I found.. it seems that the other guys like Miyazaki and Iketani get top billing while the All-Stars are relegated to do "other things". I guess since they will be there only once they will mention when they will be there while the 3 guys will be there 3 days and will be all over the place filling in where Monster 9 wants them? Oh who knows. We'll see if anyone takes pictures like they did for the Maguro Festival :) In the meantime I'll be stalking the Muscle Park Blog to see if they get any pictures :)


TigerOfHaughton said...

I can't wait! I hope there are lots of pictures of the All-Stars.

Arsenette said...

I should probably put a blog entry on the outcome of this thing. There are a couple videos out on YouTube and pictures on the website as well.