Yay! We got rid of the Rising! Whoot!
Sasuke spoilerific review ;) Warning.. incoming blog of Sasuke 31.. if you don’t want to know.. you have been warned ( ^ . ^ ) (Just remember.. there is NO
USA Broadcast of this. NBC has renegotiated out of their contract to
show Sasuke on USA soil. Yes.. you read that right.. Now with the death of G4 official
and NBC not giving a damn about Sasuke Japan, we will never see
Sasuke Rising on US television (or any overseas country for that
matter unless everyone buys the original 4 hour broadcast from TBS).
This is the 4th tournament in the Rising era (post Monster 9) and I'm happy that they got rid of the "Rising" part in the headlines! For a preview of this event, please see SASUKE 31 NAVI
a half hour preview of Sasuke 31 with fluff pieces of some the
major players in the upcoming Sasuke. There were even a couple of
runs that were cut from the official broadcast! Thanks for all of
the support as I had a horrible month with my health. I'm taking my
time on the blogs as I have to limit how much time I can stare at a
computer screen. I'm still getting cluster headaches but the cycle this time seems to be winding down long enough for me to work on getting these out! I have a backlog of things to do but working through it slowly. Last week we had the stomach flu hit our home.. yay.. uuuuugh..
(Massive thanks to TBS for posting the names of all 100 competitors! Thanks to Ube for his help on the names in English!!)
Yay we are back! And it's the 3rd Stage!
Shift change at the Talking Heads Booth!
Hioki's wife Mayumi 真弓 giving some last minute encouragement.
Masashi Hioki 日置 将士
By now he is known as the animated face who introduced Drum Hopper to everyone in Sasuke 30.
But ultimately fell in the Crazy Cliffhanger
His baby son Ryusei 琉青 is demonstrating what the Drum Hopper!
Correct me if I'm wrong but this is his neighbor's kid? He's adorable bowing to the camera!
Seems he trains the Crazy at his house.
High fives for letting him use his Crazy Cliffhanger for training!
K back from the fluff piece
We are down to 8 people from the 100 we started with.
Reminder that we have 3 champions all starting with Akiyama in Sasuke 4
Followed by Nagano in Sasuke 17
Then by Yuuji who won it in Sasuke 24 then again in Sasuke 27
So who will be the 4th Champion? Will it be Hioki?
Or Anastase?
Or Kong?
Or Morimoto?
Or Drew?
Or Asa?
Or Kanno?
Or Tomo?
Whose cuisine will reign supreme?
But first a commercial from one of the Talking Heads!
Masashi Hioki 日置 将士
Hioki's father in law Masayoshi Kitagawa 北川正義 along with Hioki's daughter Miyuna 心結菜, wife Mayumi 真弓 and their baby son Ryusei 琉青.
We start off with the ① Drum Hopper ドラム・ホッパー
The lights were cool letting us know completion of the Drum they cleared.
Unlike last year, the landing platform is MUCH shorter
so much so that he almost falls into the 2nd obstacle!
Luckily he controlled the landing and didn't fall in.
② Iron Paddler アイアンパドラー
Nice and smooth this year
And yes they are allowed to use the rigging to dismount the obstacle since they did clear it by this point.
So yeah.. once you see something.. you can't unsee it..
what is that?
I really shouldn't be having my brain in a gutter right now..
Morimoto got my joke ♥
I feel bad for Hioki having to be the first to debut an obstacle in back to back tournaments.
Giggles. He's complaining to his friends. One thing I like about him is how much he includes the audience and his friends in every step of the way.
This is called the ③ ^Sidewinder R サイドワインダー・R and no I have no idea what the extra R is there for.. some suggested that it was there to emphasize the end of the word to make them pronounce it better.. iono.. I just work here.
So yeah you throw your body at it then have to turn around and jump onto the other er.. uhm.. stalactite?
This obstacle if you haven't figured out by now is to train your upper body of strength
The rest of the Stage 3 competitors are all watching with bated breath
He's spending a lot of time between the stalactites readjusting his body and grip
each time getting closer to the bottom
then having to climb back up again to adjust to jump again
Safe on the end.. now for the dismount
And safely off of the Sidewinder
ooooh Miyuna is happy! Right Grandpa?
Intently watching as he jumps
Morimoto almost having a heart attack right now
while everyone else is cheesing
You've gotta be kidding me.. that was haaaaard..
She's saying he's cool
And of course the real version of the ④ Crazy Cliffhanger クレイジークリフハンガー and not that nonsense that ANW has...
Hioki looking at his family
while his daughter is yelling encouragement
I like the pace that they are showing for the 3rd stage so far. They show break between each obstacle (the rule is 30 seconds max between). I think it gives tension to what you are watching.
Okay after gooping up with chalk and spray here we go!
But first.. we are slicing up an ice cream sandwich with power tools!
we are back with Hioki screaming just before the ④ Crazy Cliffhanger クレイジークリフハンガー
safely through to the 2nd ledge
and onto the 3rd ledge. Remember the width of the Japanese Cliffhanger is only 3 centimeters (1.18 inches) thick (not 5 like ANW) and the jump across is 1.8 meters (5.9 feet) across.
.. and he doesn't make the almost 6 foot jump across the body of septic sludge water
Family cam™ seems to have expected it ..
and.. the stars as well...
reverse camera to show his jump
and the miss
Hioki staring up at the ledge to see wtf went wrong
replay of the first attempt of the Sidewinder
and a reminder of how much upper body strength is zapped just jumping between them.
he barely caught it
Interview after the fail: I wanted to see and to show my family the world after this (crazy cliffhanger),
so I did my best but…
Mayumi 真弓 listening intently to her husband:
He did his best!
Talking Heads™: We think you were cool! We can tell you
did your best so that’s enough!
at this point she can't stop crying
Masashi Hioki 日置 将士 - Death by Crazy Cliffhanger
Morimoto talking strategy from what he's seen so far
and he knows what this obstacle zaps..
Hioki couple go in a corner and cry together
And now for the complete dark horse of the tournament: Anastase Ragivaru ラギヴァル・アナスターズ
I still can't believe that at this stage, he's never seen the show
His turn on the Drum Hopper
Taking his time and swinging a lot between the drums to make sure he gets it
readjusting along the way
and clear on the Drum Hopper
Onto the Iron Paddler
heh.. I see myself..
slowly going through..
and clear on the Iron Paddler
A lot of the competitors took time to sit down and think about the next obstacle over a smattering of spray and chalk.
After some laughing and smiling to the crowd he tests out the Sidewinder
a reminder that the jump between the stalactites is the same distance as the Crazy Cliffhanger.
slowly going through
almost slides off..
Safe landing!
LOL he slams his hand on the Cliffhanger and cackles.
Btw, about 2 hours before this, Jin and I were in the parking lot with him showing him this obstacle on his tablet. I'll show that video later.
Celebs are getting reaaaaaally nervous for him
Grabs onto it to feel the ledge
and stands back to laugh at it again.
Okay.. this time for realsies!
Okay.. props for him not dropping down on the first hang like most rookies
Hot dang he's on the 2nd ledge!
Oh that's not a good handhold...
ACK! Yeah.. he didn't do that right
Talking head goes into depressions
Anastase Ragivaru ラギヴァル・アナスターズ - Death by Crazy Cliffhanger
Seriously though.. NO ONE thought we'd see a complete rookie all the way at the friggin' Cliffhanger of Sasuke!
I'm excited to see the improvement after the training he's going through right now! I can't wait to see him in Sasuke 32! He's had a PHENOMENAL tournament!
Yay! He's not being fast forwarded! Damn! About time!
Kenji Takahashi 高橋賢次 a.k.a. Kong Express (which is the name of his own delivery company)
Kong is a Finalist of Sasuke 24!
and everyone knows of the phenomenal cock-up they did to him causing him to fail the Final.
Reminder of his past that he failed the 1st stage 4 times in a row. This was Sasuke 19 where everyone but 2 failed the first stage anyway..
getting close-lined on the Flying Chute in Sasuke 20
again on the Jumping Spider on Sasuke 21 but you won't see Sasuke 22's run since they cut that as well!
I swear there has to be a record of how many times this man has been cut from the show.. omg.. I'm still sore about his first stage been deleted from THIS tournament as well!
oh btw there's a fluff piece going on
I love the ingenuity of using normal structures as obstacle training
awww his daughter gives him something she made
you giving me a pink bracelet? and you want me to wear it in Sasuke?
His daughter Ain (?) 愛夢
Dad being a Dad and wearing the pink bracelet with pride!
Inhaling the essence? LOL no he's kissing it.
2 have gone and none have passed!
Kenji Takahashi 高橋賢次
Cool that they are showing all the way through the course up to the Vertical limit which btw is split into 2 ledges.. more on that later.
Kenji's daughter Ain 愛夢, his wife 由梨 and son Tomu 斗夢
And here we go!
I love the lights showing the progress. I know it's a minor thing but I loved looking at it.
Clear on the Drum Hopper
Mmmmm that's the stuff right there.. iiiiinhale..
TBS milking that crane rental!
And yeah just like that the Iron Paddler is done
Yep.. they haven't watched the show before.. LOL
His turn to see wtf this thing is made up of
HAHAHAHAHA he is the only one to kick it!
Perusing the neighborhood before he jumps on
And here we go. Lots of maneuvering though
Man.. the slam of his body onto that thing could be FELT as well
climbing higher..
and more readjusting..
So help me I want that Sasuke Ring but Kanno is not allowed to make more.
Finally almost to the end
more adjusting as he's really hanging on
Okay finally onto the last one
Yay he's cleared.. but at what price..
Yeah that's what I thought.. he's crawling to the Cliffhanger..
His wife Yuri is yelling encouragement
He's reaaaally taking his time here
Talking Heads getting nervous
Staring this thing down..
Daughter praying..
Beast mode activate..
Rebel Yell!
And here we go!
onto the 3rd ledge..
twist and jump..
Family in depressions
So are the Talking Heads..
Kong just staring at his fingers
Then throws a tantrum in the water
Yeah.. this thing really was the thing that killed him
that and slamming his left hand onto the cliffhanger when he miscalculated where it was
you can't quite readjust when all that momentum
is pulling you down..
He can't even find the words.. you can fell his frustration..
LOL Sideline reporter chick looking for help..
Wife Yuri 由梨: DON’T CRY!
Kong: I won’t!
Kong: I didn’t think I would fail at
the critical moment (crazy cliff)… Yeah… it’s definitely disappointing/vexing.
Talking Head starts to cry
Talking Heads: Your family was on a trip so they couldn’t come and see your first and second
stage, but they were here for the third.
Kong: Yeah, I’m really thankful that they were here for me now.
Kenji Takahashi 高橋賢次 - Death by Crazy Cliffhanger
I love her. She's been doing this for over 10 years now and knows how to pick him right back up.
義父 means godfather. So Masayoshi Kitagawa 北川正義 isn't Hioki's father-in-law.
Hmm.. that word is odd. I did a cursory search online on that term and it means 3 things. None of with are godfather though.
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