Edited: November 19, 2009 - Correction from actual translation :p Added Monster 9 page information
Edited: December 9, 2009 - Taping is complete and additional airdates of preshows added.
Edited: December 12, 2009 - Ube found details of additional airdates.
Edited: December 26, 2009 - Added the Muscle Park page with all the dates and times confirmed.
Please bear with the length of this post.. it's a lot of information to absorb.. time-wise and show-wise this will be the biggest Sasuke to date! For a preliminary list of competitors please go to the "So excited for Sasuke 24" post.
Things have been pretty surprising ever since Monster 9 officially unveiled their website Sasuke Mania! For starters, they announced Sasuke 24 back in October! Yep.. just a few weeks after the end of Sasuke 23! Thanks scnoi for finding it.. It came online at around 2 pm'sh my time in the East coast which had to be friggin 4 am in Japan.. (someone is working late..).. I was just there too.. LOL I had originally thought they were talking about a taping date for Sasuke 24 but I was totally off. (similar thing happened back for Sasuke 23 when we originally thought it was October thanks to a screw up with Google Translator). Thanks Ube for the help! Here's the new information.
Edited: December 9, 2009 - Taping is complete and additional airdates of preshows added.
Edited: December 12, 2009 - Ube found details of additional airdates.
Edited: December 26, 2009 - Added the Muscle Park page with all the dates and times confirmed.
Please bear with the length of this post.. it's a lot of information to absorb.. time-wise and show-wise this will be the biggest Sasuke to date! For a preliminary list of competitors please go to the "So excited for Sasuke 24" post.
Things have been pretty surprising ever since Monster 9 officially unveiled their website Sasuke Mania! For starters, they announced Sasuke 24 back in October! Yep.. just a few weeks after the end of Sasuke 23! Thanks scnoi for finding it.. It came online at around 2 pm'sh my time in the East coast which had to be friggin 4 am in Japan.. (someone is working late..).. I was just there too.. LOL I had originally thought they were talking about a taping date for Sasuke 24 but I was totally off. (similar thing happened back for Sasuke 23 when we originally thought it was October thanks to a screw up with Google Translator). Thanks Ube for the help! Here's the new information.
This page will update with new information as it becomes available!
As per Sato Hiromichi 佐藤弘道 additional dates of 2 pre-shows exist. Ube was able to find more information from his local affiliate.
All dates and times confirmed via Muscle Park Page:
12月28日 (月) 11:00〜11:50
「史上初の元旦決戦!!SASUKE2010 事前番組」
Station: TBS (Japan)
December 28 (Mon) 11:00 ~11:50
"Battle of the first-ever New Year!! SASUKE2010 pre-show"
9 PM (Eastern Standard Time) (Sunday Evening)
6 PM (Pacific Standard Time) (Sunday Evening)
Sasuke 23 rare rebroadcast! (Select areas only)
12月30日 (水) 12:00〜14:54
SASUKE 23 (SASUKE 2009秋)
Station: TBS (Japan)
December 30 (Wed) 12:00 ~14:54
SASUKE 23 (SASUKE 2009秋)
10 PM (Eastern Standard Time) (Tuesday Evening)
7PM (Pacific Standard Time) (Tuesday Evening)
For those who missed out on watching Sasuke 23 live it seems TBS is doing a rare rebroadcast of the tournament (complete with new commercials.. LOL)! Based on times it seems this is a little paired down from the original broadcast but still awesome for those who missed it the first time in Japan.
The SASUKE History Special (SASUKE 歴史的決戦)
January 1, 2010 (Fri) 16:36 ~17:15
2:36 AM Eastern Standard Time (Friday Morning)
11:36 PM Pacific Standard Time (Saturday Night)
Station: TBS (Japan)
This is the history special or the "best of Sasuke" as voted by fans show. (more information on how to vote see below) ***Please note: 17:15 will be a break for news for half hour and then be immediately followed by the main show!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Time: 17:45 - 23:24 (Japan local time)
3:45 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (Friday Morning)
12:45 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (Thursday Night/Friday Morning)
6 HOURS of airtime!
「史上初の元日決戦!! SASUKE2010」
Sun has been determined SASUKE2010 program title and broadcast TV next New Year's Notice of Decision.
"Battle of the first-ever New Year's Day!! SASUKE2010"
January 1, 2010 (Fri) 17:45 to 23:24
September SASUKE 1997 New Year's Day of Broadcasting is the first time since the birth.
And the day will also broadcast the 16:45 to 17:15 (local Kanto), and
Across 30-minute news airtime is more than six hours.
Please enjoy out! ! !
Translation: An event from SASUKE that you would like to see one more time.
Mass recruitment!
In the process of accepting requests
This announcement was made on a side tab (the red banner just about this) on the front page of Sasuke Mania.
『もう一度見たいSASUKE名場面』大募集! 2010年元日に放送が決定した、SASUKE24回大会!!
リクエストしたい名場面 例
□ 第12回大会、山田勝己 2ndステージで手袋失格事件
□ 第15回大会、白鳥文平 熱中症事件
□ 第17回大会、長野誠 完全制覇達成
Wanted to see it again 』SASUKE『 big scenes!
New Year's Day broadcast of the 2010 decision, SASUKE24 Annual Meeting!
New Year's Day to commemorate the first battle, 『you』 recruiting big names to see the scene again SASUKE!
Reference requests assembled, pre-show before this broadcast (scheduled to air Mon 12) announced! (Tentative)
Please let us know details of why the request!
※ us what one person can copy and apply it.
『Requests』 scenes see again SASUKE!
Scenes you want to request Cases
□ The 12th Annual Conference, gloves Yamada Katsumi 2nd stage disqualification case
□ The 15th Annual Conference, the case of heat stroke Bunpei Swan
□ The 17th Annual Conference, Nagano Makoto achieve complete domination
As per Sato Hiromichi 佐藤弘道 additional dates of 2 pre-shows exist. Ube was able to find more information from his local affiliate.
All dates and times confirmed via Muscle Park Page:
12月28日 (月) 11:00〜11:50
「史上初の元旦決戦!!SASUKE2010 事前番組」
Station: TBS (Japan)
December 28 (Mon) 11:00 ~11:50
"Battle of the first-ever New Year!! SASUKE2010 pre-show"
9 PM (Eastern Standard Time) (Sunday Evening)
6 PM (Pacific Standard Time) (Sunday Evening)
For those who watched the past few tournaments (Sasuke 21 Navi, Sasuke 22 Navi, Sasuke 23 Navi) this is the almost one hour special introducing the competitors of the upcoming show. Usually at the end they do a little bit of spoilers but the show overall is well produced and awesome for fans to get to know a little the competitors outside of Sasuke. I'm ecstatic it's almost 4 days before the tournament. Gives me time to blog about it and recover!
Sasuke 23 rare rebroadcast! (Select areas only)
12月30日 (水) 12:00〜14:54
SASUKE 23 (SASUKE 2009秋)
Station: TBS (Japan)
December 30 (Wed) 12:00 ~14:54
SASUKE 23 (SASUKE 2009秋)
10 PM (Eastern Standard Time) (Tuesday Evening)
7PM (Pacific Standard Time) (Tuesday Evening)
For those who missed out on watching Sasuke 23 live it seems TBS is doing a rare rebroadcast of the tournament (complete with new commercials.. LOL)! Based on times it seems this is a little paired down from the original broadcast but still awesome for those who missed it the first time in Japan.
The SASUKE History Special (SASUKE 歴史的決戦)
January 1, 2010 (Fri) 16:36 ~17:15
2:36 AM Eastern Standard Time (Friday Morning)
11:36 PM Pacific Standard Time (Saturday Night)
Station: TBS (Japan)
This is the history special or the "best of Sasuke" as voted by fans show. (more information on how to vote see below) ***Please note: 17:15 will be a break for news for half hour and then be immediately followed by the main show!

Friday, January 1, 2010
Time: 17:45 - 23:24 (Japan local time)
3:45 AM (Eastern Standard Time) (Friday Morning)
12:45 AM (Pacific Standard Time) (Thursday Night/Friday Morning)
6 HOURS of airtime!
「史上初の元日決戦!! SASUKE2010」
Sun has been determined SASUKE2010 program title and broadcast TV next New Year's Notice of Decision.
"Battle of the first-ever New Year's Day!! SASUKE2010"
January 1, 2010 (Fri) 17:45 to 23:24
September SASUKE 1997 New Year's Day of Broadcasting is the first time since the birth.
And the day will also broadcast the 16:45 to 17:15 (local Kanto), and
Across 30-minute news airtime is more than six hours.
Please enjoy out! ! !

Mass recruitment!
In the process of accepting requests
This announcement was made on a side tab (the red banner just about this) on the front page of Sasuke Mania.
『もう一度見たいSASUKE名場面』大募集! 2010年元日に放送が決定した、SASUKE24回大会!!
リクエストしたい名場面 例
□ 第12回大会、山田勝己 2ndステージで手袋失格事件
□ 第15回大会、白鳥文平 熱中症事件
□ 第17回大会、長野誠 完全制覇達成
Incoming bablefish disaster:
Wanted to see it again 』SASUKE『 big scenes!
New Year's Day broadcast of the 2010 decision, SASUKE24 Annual Meeting!
New Year's Day to commemorate the first battle, 『you』 recruiting big names to see the scene again SASUKE!
Reference requests assembled, pre-show before this broadcast (scheduled to air Mon 12) announced! (Tentative)
Please let us know details of why the request!
※ us what one person can copy and apply it.
『Requests』 scenes see again SASUKE!
Scenes you want to request Cases
□ The 12th Annual Conference, gloves Yamada Katsumi 2nd stage disqualification case
□ The 15th Annual Conference, the case of heat stroke Bunpei Swan
□ The 17th Annual Conference, Nagano Makoto achieve complete domination
This is by far one of the most interesting announcements to come out of Monster 9 in a while. I got an explanation as to wtf they are talking about. Here's the deal. On December 28th they will have a Sasuke Navi. On the 29th they will reair Sasuke 23. On the 1st before the main show will be the History Special. Either way, they are requesting from fans scenes from previous Sasuke's that you would like to see again. Remember that in Japan you don't get rebroadcasts like you do in other countries that air Sasuke/Ninja Warrior.
Ube reminded me that they did this before when Sasuke Maniac was still on the air in the Kanto Region. This was the previous list from 2008. They are asking for fans to send in their ideas for possible runs they want to see again. They listed 3 (from Sasuke 12 - Yamada's failed run 2nd stage run where he finished but was disqualified), Sasuke 15 where Bunpei came back to compete after suffering heat stroke only to get to the 3rd stage and almost the final, and Sasuke 17 where Makoto Nagano achieved Kanzenseiha. Those are examples. They want fans to write in which they want and WHY they want that to be shown. They will pick between the favorites and who gets the most votes and will rebroadcast that run(s) in the pre-show.
Ube provided this information (thanks!)
No confirmations as of yet. They are only asking for people to send in their favorite (only one) SASUKE moments (and the reason why).
If you are going to send one in you fill it out like this:
First box:
リクエストしたい名場面 (Request)
Write in which SASUKE, competitor's name and which part of that SASUKE.
例 (Example)
SASUKE 12 Katsumi Yamada 2nd Stage Disqualification
SASUKE 15 Bunpei Shiratori Heat Exhaustion
Second Box:
その理由は? (Reason)
Why you chose that clip.
Third Box:
メールアドレス (mail address)
Your mail address.
Then click the gray box below all that.
Details of that will come later I'm sure and when they do post that information I will update this page. Sasuke 24 was recorded on Tuesday, December 8! Can't wait for the end of December!
Ube reminded me that they did this before when Sasuke Maniac was still on the air in the Kanto Region. This was the previous list from 2008. They are asking for fans to send in their ideas for possible runs they want to see again. They listed 3 (from Sasuke 12 - Yamada's failed run 2nd stage run where he finished but was disqualified), Sasuke 15 where Bunpei came back to compete after suffering heat stroke only to get to the 3rd stage and almost the final, and Sasuke 17 where Makoto Nagano achieved Kanzenseiha. Those are examples. They want fans to write in which they want and WHY they want that to be shown. They will pick between the favorites and who gets the most votes and will rebroadcast that run(s) in the pre-show.
Ube provided this information (thanks!)
No confirmations as of yet. They are only asking for people to send in their favorite (only one) SASUKE moments (and the reason why).
If you are going to send one in you fill it out like this:
First box:
リクエストしたい名場面 (Request)
Write in which SASUKE, competitor's name and which part of that SASUKE.
例 (Example)
SASUKE 12 Katsumi Yamada 2nd Stage Disqualification
SASUKE 15 Bunpei Shiratori Heat Exhaustion
Second Box:
その理由は? (Reason)
Why you chose that clip.
Third Box:
メールアドレス (mail address)
Your mail address.
Then click the gray box below all that.
Details of that will come later I'm sure and when they do post that information I will update this page. Sasuke 24 was recorded on Tuesday, December 8! Can't wait for the end of December!
Awesome! Only problem is that it's airing at 2:45 AM my time. I won't get to watch it live this time. I'll get to see it later, though. Can't wait! Ganbatte kudasai, All-Stars!
It should be at a quarter to ten a.m. here so time won't be a problem. The problem will be my relatives sticking around here and willing me to stick off the computer...buy they will no force me.
As for the sasuke moments we want to watch again...hmmm, I have a couple of ideas.
My butt is going to be square from all that sitting :D LOL I just hope we get a reliable feed so we don't have people screaming for 6 hours...
Starts my time at 2:45 (with the preview) so 1:45 for ya Tiger!).. which means.. I'll watch the ball drop.. make dinner and then eat during Sasuke .. LOL! Then SLEEP all of New Year's day.. who needs alcohol! I'll be pumped up on adrenaline!
Wow. I should actually be able to watch the whole thing. Not sure what technology to use. Couldn't get anything but Keyhole to work last time and that kept freezing. Any thoughts?
We might have a work around using one of the other programs (most likely TVAnts.. not sure) and someone we know hosting the signal. That's in the works still and will definitely post about it when it gets closer.
uh-ih...I'm fine with the tournament but seems that to watch Navi/specials I'll have to wake up in the middle of the night. But I don't care! Even more exciting!
Yep, checked, Navi will start at 3 am here. Great! :P
Tehheehhe we have to do that all the time for Sasuke so it's your turn! mwahahahhaha :) ehemm.. at least the show you are staying up for is under an hour :D
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