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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Well.. I'm here...

Figured since half the time I'm reading really cool blogs and find all kinds of neat crap I can't post anywhere I figured I'd start by putting it here :)

This just happens to be one of my favorite scenes from my favorite Anime of all time. Azumanga Daioh is just a show of school girls growing up in high school in Japan. What attracted me to the series was the fact that none of them are aliens, saving the Earth from some Mecha or even a diatribe of politics or religion. It's basically shorts of their lives as they go through the three years of high school in Japan. What I love about the English dub is that they did not Americanize the script. All they did was translate the text and provided (with the DVD) a huge booklet (per disk) explaining what you are seeing in Japanese. So instead of butchering the dialogue they just put it there with explanations of the phrases, seasons, holidays, historical sites, and even the meanings behind the jokes that are in Japanese. I learned a lot from this series and hope other Anime companies decide to do the same with series which are heavy in the Japanese culture. I prefer watching it in Japanese with English subtitles but the English dub is excellent.

This scene cracks me up.. if you haven't figured it out... they are talking about boob sizes..


Some Kinda Wonderful said...

Bwahahaha... got you bookmarked. Now you have to keep up with it. HA!

Arsenette said...

LOL I thought you'd enjoy it :) Considering we were just talking about this :D

Jeannie said...

Congrats on creating your blog. I'll put your link on my page shortly.

Jeannie said...

I don't really watch Anime, although hubby and I really got into ごくせん (Gokusen). There's lots of clips of both the Anime show
and the drama on YouTube.

Arsenette said...

Oh I actually saw some of that. I think there were episodes on my Comcast OnDemand. It was quite good! I missed a few episodes and stopped because I prefer watching things from the beginning. I'll go check out the other links to see if there are more clips of how it started. Thanks!

P.S. I do watch a lot of anime.. or should I say I watch the anime I like A LOT :) I don't have a large library but hope to change that.