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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sasuke related and Rambling Rican updates

Just wanted to do a quick update to let you know I'm waiting for a full translation of last week's Nico Nico broadcast to do the full blog on what was announced.  The major takeaway though was that TBS officially greenlit Sasuke 32.  WHOOT!!!!  That at least allays the fears of most fans who want this show in Japan to continue.  Again I'll update with the questions asked and full report when I have the whole thing done.  The show was 2 hours in duration and attended by everyone who was previously scheduled to do so. I was happy that it wasn't interrupted by ads and a solid 1000 people logged in and interacted with the group!
An update on current projects I'm working on, I'm still working on videos to update the Rambling Rican in Japan trip from May of this year.  Part 3 is up on YouTube and I'm working on Part 4 now.  I've also been doing some more research for my book so that's been taking up a lot of my time lately. To that extent a big project has opened up that is now currently in the works that I can't talk about yet but I'm really excited about it!!  Once I'm okay to talk about it then I'll do a blog post on it.  I'm still continuing with the Final Stage podcast which thankfully has been well received.  Thank you! If you are have iTunes and listen to the podcast that way, please help by leaving a rating and/or review. I'd love for more people to be able to listen to the podcast.
Girl working at the computer (cartoon, woman, flowers)©Oksana Alekseeva
Also with Sasuke 32 green-lit, my goal is to be able to return to Japan in 2016.  The opportunity again has presented itself and at some point I have to figure out how to make that happen again.  One option that some have suggested is to open up a Patreon so that it can pace out donations rather than do one big fundraiser.  I wanted feedback on that if any of my long-time readers would be interested in that sort of thing. My hope was to be able to do this as a smaller fundraiser paced out throughout the year instead of having a huge zomg fundraiser like Indiegogo.  Those are really stressful. I'd prefer to have a smaller IndieGogo to supplement whatever I'm not getting from Patreon.  I know the stars would have to align for that to happen but I'm trying to find alternatives. I'm still kicking around the idea and would love feedback. Positive and negative.  The goal will remain the same. I will continue doing the blog and update everyone with news from the world of Sasuke, the Sasuke history book is still in production for next year and now the addition would be for a return trip to Japan in 2016.
Sasuke Director Masato Inui receives his Calendar! ©Masato Inui
Btw I'm going to be doing a Calendar again this year!  For those who remember from last year, I did a 12 month Calendar with various Sasuke competitors.  This year's calendar will feature 2015 photos from Sasuke 31 and other events throughout the summer and fall.  I hope to have the link up for this year's campaign on the site by no later than November.


Unknown said...

Good Stuff. Hopefully you would compete in the tapings of Sasuke 32. That will be awesome. :)

Arsenette said...

Ooooh I'm not competition material. LOL!! ♥ I'd only go to cheer friends on and report back to you guys about the show and expand on that on the book I'm writing.

Unknown said...

But will you compete at some point?

Arsenette said...

Nooooooooo.. no .. LOL I'm not competition material and that spot would be best suited for someone else. I'm better watching from the stands. Giggles.

Unknown said...

You should invite some SMF members to Japan. THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!!

Arsenette said...

I'm someone's guest. It would be rude to add to that list and I can't even pay for myself..

Unknown said...

Awww :'(
Oh well at least I tried XD

WhyShankYou said...

Why not? You would be better than Katsuhide, plus you'd be the first SMF member to compete on SASUKE ever! It would be fun!

Arsenette said...

Aahahahahaha Nah I'll pass. But thanks for the support! ♥