Sasuke 31's Final Stage Tower ©TBS Twitter
Hello again from the USA! LOL I have returned from the long awaited trip to Japan! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! As promised, I'll be doing periodic blogs about my trip. Right now I'm recovering from the trip which left me with a wicked sunburn and hobbling from a sprained ankle. However, it also left me with a lot of WONDERFUL memories and experiences. NOTHING comes close to seeing it live. I was truly blessed to have seen it in person. I also wanted to thank the Sasuke production team along with TBS for being such gracious hosts. They knew I was coming and were really nice in allowing us to see the whole production from start to finish. I'm truly thankful for their generosity.
Sasuke 31's Third Stage (modified) Vertical Limit バーティカルリミット ©Masato Inui
As I mentioned, Sasuke 31 has completed taping in Japan. We are expected to see the official airing sometime during the month of July, 2015. As of yet, no exact date in July has been announced. As per protocol with my website, I won't post any spoilers on this site. I will continue blogging as normal and will do a Spoilerific review of the event when the TBS broadcast finishes. While I was there, I didn't get to see everything, so this broadcast will have a lot of new things! I can't wait for everyone to be able to see the event as well. I'm incredibly biased but I think this is one of the best, if not THE best tournament so far. I'm happy the weather cooperated as well as we were scared we would get rained on. The exact opposite happened where the weather was hot and dry! Sunburns were the norm! LOL
That's me and hubby in Japan! ©Arsenette
I can't express how much I'm thankful for the wonderful support I have
received from all of you. I still can't believe I was able to finally go to Japan and see Sasuke. I have soooooo much material to write about not only for my blog, but for the subsequent book as well. As for the merchandise and autographed photos I was able to secure, I updated the fundraising campaign with new
updates on timing of perk fulfillment. I'll get that out to you soon™. I
have a lot of catching up to do since I wasn't in the country for over a
week. I don't care if I sound like a broken record by this point, but seriously.. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. This trip honestly is a highlight in my life.
Congratulations! I can't wait to hear about your experience!!! :D
So pleased this has worked out for you can't think of anyone more dedicated and deserving to go and see it live than you.
Darn your dimples are cute!
Because I'm useless...if there is anything spare. Would I be able to purchase anything? I had a t-shirt in mind ;)
So awesome you finally got the chance to go out to Japan and see it for yourself. Couldn't have been anyone better suited than you :)
Hey guys! Ya'll are too kind!!
Sadly no Sinkanty. I had my fundraiser up for 3 months and shopped accordingly. :( I suspect that the shirts will be available in the tbsi shop at a later date but you'd have to find someone in Japan to order it for you since they still haven't entered the 21st century and added international shipping yet. :(
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