Nagano baby boy #3! ©Makoto Nagano
As I mentioned before, we are were on Nagano Baby Watch™. However, we had a pretty big scare this morning (again). I got an email saying that the Naganos (Sasuke Legend Makoto Nagano 長野誠's and his wife Asami 阿紗美) welcomed a new baby boy (thanks Tricia!). I started to think.. wait a minute.. isn't he .. early? Like, way early? So it seems, just like the last 2 sons that were born, Asami was rushed to emergency cesarean surgery.
I took to Twitter (because of a later photo - see below) and someone who was following Makoto Nagano's Facebook let me know about the message that was attached to the photos. Because someone else sends me updates on them (I don't have Facebook), I had a link to the mobile updates page for him. However, I don't get to see the wall posts explaining the photos. Thanks to Ciro I was able to read the 2 paragraph update written by Makoto Nagano. Thank you so much!
平成27年3月5日 16時8分 2352g 緊急手術で、長野家3人目の男の子が誕生しました ヘソの緒が身体や首に巻きついて、心音が弱まり緊急で帝王切開で出しました


I had to leave the emotes because they are just adorable and gives his emotions for each of the sentences. The gist of it is that on March 5, 2015 his son was born at 4:08 PM. He weighed 2352 grams (5.18 lbs). He was happy the baby was born safely but was terrified at the emergency surgery part.


The second part of the message was that he is acknowledging that he should have been born in April. He also says that at this time (especially since they thought they had another month left) they have not decided on the baby's name yet. He thanks everyone and assures that Mother and Baby are safe and recovering.
Birth announcement ©Makoto Nagano
Here's the message I had posted on Twitter asking people to help with the name. Across the top is Nagano Asami 長野阿紗美 (I feel like an idiot especially since I should have recognized Asami's name by now). One thing of note is that he is also tall! 47 centimeters or 18.5 inches! If I'm not mistaken (seems I didn't have those stats for Kaiou), he was born the tallest! Wow.. if he was born on time that baby would have been huge! Either way, Thanks to Makoto Nagano for sharing the news for everyone to see!
Latest Chibi-Nagano! ©Makoto Nagano
Finally, (while I'm thinking of it) the 24th Annual Maguro Festival 第24回串木野まぐろフェスティバル will take place the end of next month in Kagoshima Prefecture on Saturday April 25 and Sunday April 26, 2015 in the city of Ichiki-Kushikino. This of course happens during Golden Week in Japan (this year it is the weekend just prior to Golden week). This is a local Tuna event for the port city of Kushikino. It's pretty much a county fair including games for kids, music, food and other activities for the whole family. This will be my 7th year covering this event on my blog!
EDIT: Makoto updated his Facebook with the name of their 3rd son together with Asami. (thanks Emily and Ciro for the heads up!) His name is "Genou" ( げんおう ). The Kanji for it is 玄皇. (Thanks Bret for the translation!) What is interesting about the name is that it has the same "King/Emperor" part on the end of name as his other 2 boys. Kaiou's is Sea King, Taiou's is Great King and Genou is "Turtle" + "King"! Makoto even posted the picture of a 🐢 to make sure! So he's totally related Master Roshi!
Update from Makoto Nagano on his Facebook ©Makoto Nagano
EDIT: Makoto updated his Facebook with the name of their 3rd son together with Asami. (thanks Emily and Ciro for the heads up!) His name is "Genou" ( げんおう ). The Kanji for it is 玄皇. (Thanks Bret for the translation!) What is interesting about the name is that it has the same "King/Emperor" part on the end of name as his other 2 boys. Kaiou's is Sea King, Taiou's is Great King and Genou is "Turtle" + "King"! Makoto even posted the picture of a 🐢 to make sure! So he's totally related Master Roshi!
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