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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Rambling Rican Vlog - Yamada coming back? Esquire dead?

Another vlog!

It's been over couple weeks since my last update and in the interim there have been a couple updates.  Kunoichi is taping this week!  That is Women of Ninja Warrior Tournament 9 (after an 8 year hiatus)!  I talk about the 2 major highlights from the Nico Nico broadcast including Makoto Nagano's return and a possible Mr. Sasuke Katsumi Yamada return!  I discuss the announcement of the demise of Esquire network and what that means to the return of Ninja Warrior (Japan) to the USA television market.  I also answered viewer questions/comments, a bunch of general stuff and upcoming projects!

New Kunoichi logo revealed! ©TBS

Related Link:
This year's Calendar:

Additional Links including video links:
Katsumi Yamada's final run:
Makoto Nagano's Gofund me:

More updates always can be found on my website:

Music is "Parasail" by Silent Partner
Backgrounds: Beachfront B-Roll (Royalty Free)

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