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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Rambling Rican in Japan 2016 - (Part 5) - Sasuke 32 (Day 1 - Part 2)

This is a vlog series chronicling my second trip to Japan to see Sasuke (Ninja Warrior)!  This trip took place May 25, 2016 - June 1, 2016 where I traveled to see Sasuke 32 live on set at Midoriyama Studios!

Part 5 - Sasuke 32 (Day 1 -Part 2)

This particular video was originally 90 minutes long.  After rendering issues I decided that I would break it down into smaller portions. This video is Part 2 of 3 of that 90 minute video.  This is a personal blog about my own experience with Sasuke 32.  They are my own viewpoints and not representative of the tournament as a whole.

Midoriyama Studio City:

Thank you so much to the IndieGogo backers for making this trip possible again! ♥

I do read your comments! I just can't comment in the comments section since I don't use Google+ on this YT Channel. I'll comment to them in later videos!

More updates can always be found on my website:

Royalty Free/YouTube Music:
Porches and Universes by Puddle of Infinity

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